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Thunder booms loudly outside, only adding to her now shitty mood. She loves storms when it's just her and david warm in their bed, but she hates them when david's leaving, she's going home alone, and her coworker is crying.

it's been almost an hour when the office door opens and david walks in. he immediately notices her weary look, "hey honey." he says, closing the door and leaning against it. "are you okay? i don't want you to be stressed or anything. i know spencer's reaction-
she cuts him off, "it's fine, really. i kind of expected it."
"if you want to talk about it you know i'm always here."
"i know."
"are you okay babe?" he asks, she just looks tired and off.
lightening flashes outside and thunder continues to roar.
"i'm fine...i'm just tired."
"why don't i take you home. the flight was postponed due to the weather, so we have all night together."
she gets up, "oh my god that's the best news ever."
he opens the door for her before following her through the bullpen and outside. thankfully the bullpen is mostly empty and alex doesn't have to deal with anyone or any questions.

rain is pouring down when they get to the door. "i'll get the car." david says, rolling his eyes and sighing in mock annoyance. alex doesn't walk very fast anymore and the last thing he wants is for her to get sick. she smiles, kissing him on the cheek as a thank you.
he opens the door and walks quickly through the downpour.

she really doesn't feel good. her head hurts, her back hurts, and she's just really tired.

he pulls the car around to where alex is waiting and she gets in.

he can just tell, everything about the way she's acting right now tells him that she's just not herself.

the sky is almost completely dark now, spiratic lighting is the only light source.
he moves one hand to rest on her thigh and she places one hand atop his.
"baby can you make your appointment for tomorrow? i really don't want you to drive in this weather and i know you don't feel well right now."
he doesn't take his eyes off the road while he says this.
she nods in agreement, plus she'd rather spend the rest of the day with him anyways.
"yeah...yeah that's fine." she says tiredly.
she picks up his hand from her thigh and sets it on her belly.
she leans her head back, closing her eyes. his hand relaxes the baby and she finally stops kicking.

he finally pulls the car safely into the garage. he's still wet from earlier, but he still walks her inside and makes sure she's ok before he goes upstairs to shower and change.
"do you need anything?" he asks, as she walks into the living room.
"no i'm fine david, really." she says, going to lay down on the couch.
he knows she's not fine, but he lets it go. "okay, i'll be right back."

he showers and redresses quickly so he can take care of alex, but his phone rings.
he obviously answers it, of course it's hotch needing to talk about the case.

he goes downstairs to check on alex while hotch talks, she's sleeping on the couch.
he leaves her alone and retreats to his office to continue this phone call. apparently there's new victims, and hotch goes on and on. the phone call lasts about an hour, and david watches alex walk upstairs and into their bedroom. he prays that hotch is almost done talking.
finally rossi is able to get out of the conversation, and hotch finally hangs up.
he knows hotch will have more to say eventually, hell, they're supposed to be on the case right now. but he's definitely not complaining.
he uses this time to check on alex.

when he walks in she's laying in their bed, but she's not sleeping. he can tell she's not sleeping because when he's not in bed she only sleeps on his side. she's on her own side which means she's not asleep.
"hey" he says, walking towards her and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "are you okay? do you need anything?" he asks.
"i need a fucking drink."
"once the baby is born i'll get you whatever you want to drink. what can i do right now?" he asks, he wants to be able to help her.
"nothing." she says, moving away from him and towards his side of the bed.

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