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She was right. David is not sleeping like Hotch made it sound. Alcohol is the only thing getting the team through these files, back to back cases are evidently tough.
Emily and JJ are almost through a bottle of wine, rossi, morgan, and hotch are making their way through a 12 pack, and even reid had a sip of wine.
at 1am hotch sends everyone to their room with the instruction of leaving at 7am.
him and Hotch both made it through four beers in the amount of time they spent previewing the case. While he gets in bed he can't stop thinking about Alex and their baby. He knows it's hard for Alex because he's not there for everything, but this job just doesn't permit it. When he closes his eyes his head is swimming, and he doesn't know if it's because of the alcohol or the fact that he can't stop thinking about Alex.

Alex wakes up around 10am. she realizes that david's jet has probably already landed and they've probably started working on their next case. She decides she'll wait for him to call, mostly because she doesn't know what they're working on and interruptions can be frustrating. So she dresses for her appointment and spends the rest of her morning cleaning up the house, it gets her mind off of her nerves. But she's also counting down the hours until the appointment, anything involving their baby is exciting. Minutes before she leaves, her phone rings and she prays it's David. She breathes a sigh of relief as his name flashes across the screen.

"hi. i was just about to leave. do you know when you'll be home? i miss you."

"i know, i miss you too. i don't know we just got here."

she was going to talk further about the appointment, but his voice is deeper than usual and his accent is more prominent. she recognizes it right away but it kind of throws her off.

"are you drinking right now?"
she asks skeptically. She knows how well he can control himself, he does have an abnormally large tolerance for alcohol, but during a case? She kind of worries about everything now.

"we all did last night, it was rough though.  tough case."
he notices her tone of voice and adds, "i'm fine, honey. relax."

"okay; i know, i know. just be careful please. i'll call you when i'm done."

he can hear the excitement and twinge of nervousness in her voice. "i love you.  call me as soon as you know."

"i love you too." she says, hanging up.

she wishes David could make it. He hasn't been to a single appointment, granted she did hide her pregnancy for quite a while. As she gets in the car she has time to think. She and David have only been together for seven months and they're already engaged. She can't believe how lucky she is, and the entire 20 minute drive she's practically shaking.

her doctor is ready for her as soon as she checks in, and she doesn't hesitate to dive right in.
"i'll give you a minute to get situated. go ahead and lie on the table and i'll be right back." her doctor instructs.

she does as she's told and minutes later her doctor is back and ready to get started. she gently pushes alex's shirt up and begins the ultra sound, checking over the baby and pointing out limbs on screen.  as she's checking the baby over, she asks questions about Alex's diet, any side effects, and if she has had any concerns. "so you'll start to feel the baby kicking here pretty soon, they're just getting used to motion, nothing to worry about. now you may also start to experience slightly painful, frequent cramping. that's perfectly normal as well but don't hesitate to call if you have any worries."
alex nods as her doctor asks the final question, "so do you want to know the gender today?"
alex nods, biting her lip as her nerves swell.
her doctor smiles and looks at the screen, then to alex. "it's a girl."

her entire body relaxes and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from her shoulders. tears pool behind her eyes and she just wants david. she knows he'll be equally as happy when she tells him the news.

minutes later she leaves the clinic, she's overjoyed and so thankful for this news. she's ready to be a mom again. she walks to her car and pulls her phone out to call David. But she's
met with a concerning text from Garcia.

"call me now. it's urgent."

her first thought is david.
she immediately pulls her phone out, getting into her car.  "hey i saw your text-"

Garcia cuts her off.  "as much as I want to know everything about your baby, there's actually an emergency. David is fine, I know you were about to ask that. Just drive to the bureau now, don't make any stops and I'll brief you when you get here."
Garcia hangs up and alex is left completely confused.
she hurries into Garcia's office and sits, ready to hear what all this commotion is about. Today was supposed to be her day off, something is obviously wrong for her to be called in. Garcia spins around in her chair, hanging up her phone as she begins to brief Alex.
"so basically strauss instructed me to call the entire team back- yes rossi is flying her right now, but we've been hacked. we're all on lockdown until they find out who did this. they could have our addresses and every record."

alex gives her a confused look, she knows how hard it would be to hack the fbi. "so are we working this case now?"

"no that's the other weird thing. apparently it's too personal for us to work so we're literally stuck here until whoever did this is caught."
this could be awhile.
alex sighs, but a smile soon crosses her face. "but david's coming back?"
garcia shakes her head laughing, "yes they all are."
just then strauss enters the room. " could you to follow me? You need to be shown to your area of lock down. The rest of your team will join you upon arrival."
garcia and alex share a confused and semi- disgusted look, but follow her through the building anyways. they are lead to a large closed off room in the basement. There's three couches, a small TV, a single desk in the corner, and two bathroom doors.
"no way." alex breathes. there's no way she can stay in here for even an hour, let alone sleep in here.
"i know, i know it's bad. we're trying to find a safe hotel arrangement but this is it for now." strauss says before leaving.
it's quite dark, there's no windows but it's lit by dark ceiling lights. there's also security on the top level where the stairs start. it all seems a little overboard, but it's getting david home so she'll take it.

Garcia sits on the small couch across from Alex, and Alex knew this question was coming in good time. "so what's the babies gender?" she gushes.
alex smiles, "it's a girl."
garcia stands, squealing, and engulfs alex in a hug.

minutes later strauss leads the rest of the team into the room and their expressions are that of very annoyed. "what the hell is this." emily asks pointedly.
jj shushes her as strauss glares. "it's for your own safety." she snaps.
"this has to be a joke." derek says as strauss leaves the room.
even reid speaks up, "how are 8 of us supposed to sleep in here?"
they all stare at eachother, sharing disgusted looks.  sure they're all like a close family but this is a little far fetched.
"whatever." emily says, leading jj to a couch.
the others follow them, mumbling about how "it is what it is."

alex makes her way to david's side and he pulls her into a hug. she holds onto him, breathing in his scent. "i missed you." she finally says.

"i missed you too, honey." he says, continuing to hold her against him, his hands running up and down her back. he's content to just hold her.
but she cant wait any longer to tell him, "it's a girl." she whispers.

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