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she feels his arms tighten around her waist as he pulls back to look at her, their faces now inches apart. "really?" he asks, his eyes shining with happy tears.
she clasps her hands behind his neck, holding to him. but he barely notices, her too locked in on her answer. she smiles and nods, confirming it for him.
he can't remember a time before this that he's ever been so happy, his life is literally perfect right now.
he smiles in relief and leans down, pressing his lips to hers. she immediately responds, deepening their kiss as david's hands move to her face.
their snapped out of the moment by dereks voice, "get a room!" he shouts.

garcia swats him on the arm, "they haven't seen eachother for like a week." she whisper shouts angrily.
alex turns around and the two separate, everyone looks at them expectantly until alex speaks. "it's a girl."
everyone immediately congratulates them and asks an overwhelming amount of questions. alex is thankful that the conversation turns away from them and onto how their going to get out of this room. she leans against david's shoulder and his arm moves around her waist, garcia was right, they haven't seen eachother for about a week. they stand together like that until spencer, who's been quiet all afternoon, walks over to them. "alex? can i um...can i talk to you?" he asks.

"yeah, yeah of course."  she answers a little confused.
david picks up this cue and quickly kisses alex's cheek before leaving to talk with the rest of the group.
"what's up?" she asks, her eyes sympathetic. "you've been quiet."

he takes a deep breath and tears begin to well in his eyes. "they want to take my mom off all medication." he chokes out.
he can't meet her eyes after speaking, he's staring at the ground and furiously wiping tears away. he tries to compose himself but fails. eventually he slowly hugs her.

she stands there shocked for a moment, reid doesn't hug ANYONE. it takes only a second for her to return his hug and console him. "oh spencer. i'm sorry." she says quietly.
it takes about a minute for him to contain himself and regain his composure. he lets go of her and speaks, "they said she has 5 months even with medication. i might as know."
her heart breaks for him and the fact that he has such a small amount of people to turn to for help and advice.
"what can i do?" she asks kindly.
"nothing. i just...uh, you're just easy to talk to. and you actually listen."
she nods, "i'm always here." she says, "update me, call me whenever. spencer i mean it, we're all here for you."

he nods "thank you alex." he whispers as he turns and walks towards the bathroom.
everyone tries to act like they didn't just watch that happen. "he hasn't told anyone what's wrong all week! then we come in here and he's crying and hugging blake!" derek exclaims as alex walks towards where david is sitting.
she sits right next to david, resting her head on his shoulder. he places his hand on her leg as everyone listens to derek complain and garcia try to quiet him.
"this is definitely illegal." he mumbles as he pulls out his phone.
He gets up and steps just out of earshot to talk to someone on the phone while the rest of the team engages in quiet conversation about Reid.
" he's been upset all week and won't tell anyone what's wrong, then the second we get in here he's crying and hugging Alex!" Emily exclaims.
alex doesn't really know what to say, she feels horrible for spencer and she really doesn't know how to help him.
"he doesn't open up to anyone." hotch adds seriously.
"alex you are never allowed to leave!" garcia says jokingly.
garcia's obviously trying to lighten the mood, but this whole situation sucks.
everyone is snapped out of their thoughts by derek walking towards them all. he has a cocky smile plastered on his face as he saunters over. "Rossi you owe me drinks for this one!" he says.

Rossi gives him a confused look, and derek keeps talking.
"i convinced Strauss to let us stay in a hotel! we don't have to stay in this shit box!"

" why would i have to buy you a drink?" rossi asks and the rest of the team shifts awkwardly at dereks actions.

"because you're rich dumbass!" derek says laughing.
rossi shakes his head, from the looks of it, last nights drinks were enough for morgan.
"anyways," garcia says, eyeing derek, "how many rooms and when are we leaving?"
hotch butts in, "i just got an email, 4 rooms so everyone is always accounted for, and security will escort us in half an hour."

everyone nods, staying in a hotel is quite obviously better than this.
spencer comes out of the bathroom just in time to hear this conversation. "so everyone needs to pick who they want to stay with."
most of the groupings are obvious, emily and jj and alex and david.
garcia takes a deep breath before speaking, "derek and i are dating." she says rather quickly.
everyone turns to look at the two of them, morgan now has his arm around garcia as they sit beside eachother on the couch. no one is very surprised at this news.
"emily owes me 20 bucks." hotch says, cracking a rare smile.
so now the pairings are set, neither hotch or reid minded sharing a room as long as they each got their own bed.

all of the team members were quickly escorted home to pack their bags quickly, but no one knows how long they'll have to stay in this hotel. everyone opts to bring random clothes considering how much time they didn't have to pack. it's not like they'll see anyone else anyways.

somehow it's late when they get back to the hotel, security takes them everywhere and alex and david are shown to their room. it's pitch black outside and all of the agents are ready to be alone and go to bed.

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