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alex was able to be discharged the next day, along with jj who was in about the same condition.
they were cleared to fly home but they were also under strict instruction to stay off of work for a week. they had each gone through a lot and had undergone surgery only a few days prior. they were both still weak and quite dependent on their caregiver.
alex is sitting in bed when david re-enters the room from conversing with the team.
her eyes follow him lazily as he gets her bag.
her I.V was just removed, causing her pain to be more prominent than before. she's slightly lightheaded.
he closes the door behind him and hands alex her bag, allowing her to change before they leave. She quickly removes her hospital gown but as she does so she realizes the scars for the first time. They had been bandaged or covered since she's got there and the doctors have tried to hide them not wanting to overwhelm her more. She turns her body away from David, hiding them although they're nothing new to him. He wants to comfort her now but he's unsure how much help it will be. she's dealing with a lot and talking about it at home is probably better. When they get home and she is better, he'll show her that those scars mean nothing.
she finishes dressing and david takes her bag, handing it to derek who is outside the door.
he comes back to help her outside to the car. her broken ribs and concussion don't make it easy. she stands and david's arm is immediately around her waist, steadying her as they slowly exit the hospital.
she's silent, focusing on getting to the car. her head is throbbing and blurring her vision as david supports her.
they finally get to their SUV and david helps alex inside, buckling her seatbelt for her. he's talking to her, but she's obviously not in it.
she closes her eyes, "why are you yelling?" she mumbles.
he sighs, he cant stand seeing her in pain like this. "your head? is that what hurts?" he asks quieter, trying to figure out what she needs.
she hums an incoherent response, her eyes still closed her headache distracting her from anything else.
he closes the door softly and enters the drivers side, his hand resting on her thigh as he drives carefully to the airport.
she doesn't move, or even seem to notice when the car stops.
he opens her door and unbuckles her seatbelt before helping her out of the car.
she focuses on making it to the jet, then she can lay down again for a few hours. these short walks have taken almost all of her energy. his arm is around her waist again as they enter the jet, their first the rest of the team filing in slowly after. alex and jj share the couch, emily stands beside jj, covering her with a blanket. david kneels beside alex, "do you need anything?" he asks quietly.
she shakes her head weakly, "i love you."
he shoots her a small smile "i love you too."
he then moves to his seat just across the aisle so he can be there if she needs anything. the jet takes off and the rest of the team disperses, sleeping, reading or working on paperwork.
the first hour of sleep is heaven, but after awhile her headache is going away and she just wants to be home. david is sitting by himself, the only person awake at the moment. he's busy writing something, probably for another one of his books.
she stands surprisingly easily and sits in the chair next to david. his attention moves from the paper to her. "how do you feel?" is of course the first thing he asks.
she gives him a small smile, "i'm fine david."
he rolls his eyes considering the fact that he basically had to walk for her to get to the jet. "yep. fine. always fine."
she leans against his shoulder and his hand moves to her thigh. he continues to work as she rests against him. the sky outside is dark and gloomy, causing the jet to be shadowed inside with everyone sleeping. david is the only one awake, his area the only place inhabiting dull light. alex knows he can't sleep on planes because he hates flying. even slight turbulence wounds him up.
she closes her eyes, still leaning against him. he looks down at her lovingly, but notices how differently she's sitting compared to normally. her right hand rests instinctively against her stomach. it takes a second for him to notice her small baby bump, finally noticeable. his heart swells in love for her. he knows how much she wants kids, not to mention how excited he is to start a family with her and be there every step of the way.
the jet lands almost half an hour later and everyone gets up quickly, grabbing bags and exiting the jet. hotch gathers everyone outside, "we've all been through a lot this week and learned a lot about eachother." he eyes emily, jj, alex and david. "jj and alex have the week off and everyone else has 2 days unless there's an immediate case. paperwork is still due."
eyeryone nods, satisfied with hotchs decision.
david carries both his and alex bag to their car. alex is walking slowly, but unassisted which is all david can ask for. she's still not 100% but she's getting there. they get to the car and david sets their bags inside, then gets into the drivers seat with alex sitting next to him. "god i cant wait to be home." she exclaims.
he starts the car and looks her over, making sure her seatbelt is on.
"okay." he says, beginning to drive. "what hurts the most?" he's trying to gauge what he can do to help and take care of her.
she doesn't need any time to think this over. "my head, my boobs and my back. nothing hurts from...that case besides my concussion."
he nods in understanding. "so it's just from you being pregnant. what can i do for you?"
he asks, placing his hand on her swollen belly.
"quit your job." is her answer.
he chuckles, shaking his head at her.
she places her hand over his as they continue their drive home.
minutes later he pulls into the driveway and they both exit the car, david getting both of their bags from the backseat.
she enters the house and immediately goes upstairs to shower. she hasn't had a lot of alone time with everything going on, the teams been constantly around her. she hasn't showered since the last time she was home. she lets the hot water refresh her body, stinging her scars only momentarily. they probably won't fade for awhile and that's just something for her to accept. at least they cause only minimal pain.
she exits the shower and notices her stomach in the mirror. she's exactly 16 weeks today and her stomach and breasts have grown a lot it seems. 
she leaves the bathroom wrapped in a towel. she expects david to be in their bed or at least in their room, but he's nowhere to be found. she pulls out one of his shirts, neglecting to put a bra on. she pairs his shirt with panties and exits the bedroom.
she walks downstairs, noticing the house is darker than usual with the windows open but the sky is dark with thick clouds. she finds david in his office, already doing his paperwork. he sees her enter the room and he moves his chair backwards from the desk, allowing her to sit with him. she gladly complies to this offer, sitting on his lap with her head over his shoulder so he can still work. one hand snakes under her shirt and traces patterns on her back, the other continuing to write.
about half an hour later, david stands, carrying alex through the house with him. "where are we going?" she mumbles. he doesn't answer only carrying her to their bedroom. "the doctor said you need plenty of rest." is his answer as he sets her down on their bed. "but it's not even 7 yet..."
he shrugs carelessly in response, watching her lift the covers and get into bed. she's been endlessly tired either from her pregnancy or her sustained injuries, either way david just knows.
"are you going to lay with me?" she asks, moving to her side of the bed and looking up at him. "in a minute." he answers, leaving the room. she has no idea where he's going, all she knows is that she'd like him to come back. he comes back moments later with the prescribed cleaning solution for her stitches. she was instructed to clean them until the tissue heals and passes any risk of infection. "oh hell no. that shit hurts." she argues when he comes back. "i promise i'll do it fast." he reaches for the blanket, pulling it off her top half. she crosses her arms over her chest, restricting him from touching her. "... honey please. i'll lay with you if you let me clean it."  she knows he'll win the argument end but her stitches hurt without being cleaned by that shit. plus she's not wearing a bra which is nothing new to him, but she wanted to cuddle with him, not fight over this. she lets out a sigh but moves her arms from her chest. "thank you." he says, kissing her lips quickly. his finger tips trail lightly to the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up her chest. he feels her body tense as he cleans them. she closes her eyes, counting the seconds down until he's finished. he's gentle and fast, just like he has promised. they don't need to be bangaged, just cleaned until they heal. he doesn't pull her shirt back down as he moves to get into bed next to her and turns the lights off. she opens her eyes when he's finished and pulls the blankets over the two of them. "see that wasn't that bad, was it?" she glares at him, "it hurts."
his demeanor changes, "i know, i know, give it time."
she moves against him, putting one leg over his waist and laying her head on his chest. one of his arms moves around her waist and the other snakes under her shirt. he's gentle, knowing how sore her changing body is.
her body completely relaxes under his touch and he holds her closer. he hates that she's hurt, but there's truly nothing he loves more than these moments with her.
"i love you." she says, her eyes closed.
"i love you too."
she quickly falls asleep, david's touch an instant comfort. he could use the sleep too, taking care of her isn't exactly easy. she's on new pain medications with all kinds of side effects. and the next week may be a challenge.

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