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she got out of the bed and grabbed her bag from the corner. "so you asked me to move in with you as what? a joke or something? i cant believe i was so fucking stupid." she said. she didn't let herself cry until she got to her car. she thought dave and her were getting somewhere. they had fucking sex, they showered together and they cuddled at night. she couldn't figure out why he would do this to her. she trusted him with everything and he basically broke her heart. she drove as far away from his house as she could get. she ended up back at the cemetery. the sky was grey, threatening rain. she sat next to his headstone and began to talk. "i did the right thing divorcing daddy right? i know he did some bad things but he just misses you. i thought i had something with dave, but was i just stupid? i don't know what's wrong with me buddy. you understand." she said. she sat by his stone for almost half an hour before getting back into her car. she drove farther away, ending up in front of her old house. she debated going inside and talking to john, but she decided to be smart and she didn't go in. instead, she checked herself into a hotel for the night and went to her room. she took a hot shower, trying to forget today's events.

dave pov:
i love her. but i have to let her go. i cant give her everything she deserves. it didn't hit me until after she left. she needs me, she doesn't have anywhere else to go, anyone that cares about her the way i do. i love her, but i don't want to complicate things between us, she just got divorced and i didn't want to push anything between us. that was when i realized i had made a big mistake. she needs me as much as i need her. she's probably crying somewhere alone thinking i don't like her anymore. i asked her to move in with me and i failed her. i feel horrible. i called the one person who could help me. "garcia?"
"hello my italian stallion. what can i do for you?"
"garcia i need to know where alex is right now."
"oh my god is something wrong? rossi what did you do to her."
i grimaced at this. "garcia please just tell me where she is."
"she's in a hotel about 25 minutes from your house. you better go fix whatever the fuck you did to her."
garcia never swore.
"thank you penelope." i said hanging up.
i got into my car and drove to her hotel.

alex got out of the shower and into her hotel bed. she longed to be back in dave's arms, but obviously that was impossible now. the knock on her door startled her. she opened the door to see dave standing there, he looked upset.
he walked into the room and pulled her into a hug. "i just felt like i was pushing a relationship on you. when you said you got divorced only yesterday, i did know if you even wanted this. i feel like i can't give you everything you deserve." he said, his accent thick.
alex hugged him back, "i need you." she whispered. "i don't know what i would do without you." she said truthfully. he tucked her hair behind her ear, "then i'm not going anywhere."  he said back. "come on let's go home." alex went to grab her bag,
but stopped in her tracks. "home?" she said smiling.
he just chuckled, "home." he confirmed.
alex clung to his side as they left the hotel, they parted ways to go to their individual cars. they drove home, alex's car behind dave's. when they got home, they sat on the couch together. alex was curled up on dave's side and he had one arm around her back and the other reached around her front. his hands were interlocked, holding her as close as possible.
"how was the case?" alex asked.
"it was fine. we caught our guy." he answered.
"why did you drive to johns house before going to the hotel?" he asked, looking down at her.
"how did you-" she started.
"as much as i would love to take credit for that, i had to ask garcia to track your car." he explained.
"you were worried about me?" she asked, smiling up at him. she knew he wouldn't ask someone for help unless he really cared.
"of course i was worried about you. there's barely a minute that goes by when i'm not thinking about you." he said.
alex blushed, "i only went to johns house becuase of ethan. the divorce really made me think about my life and- i don't know i just wanted things to go back to how they were. when ethan was alive. going back to that house last night helped me remember. i just wanted to talk to john the way we did when ethan was alive. but my common sense got the best of me. " she explained.
he rubbed her back, "i think ethan would prefer his mom to be alive." dave said, protectively pulling her a little closer.
"john said you need to watch your back. he knows about us and threatened me in court." she said quietly.
"it'll all be alright." he said, reassuringly. but he wasn't all that sure himself.  "we have work tomorrow, and you've had a long day." he said standing up and leading her to bed. she changed into panties and one of his old FBI t-shirts. she crawled into bed and waited for him to turn the lights off and get into bed with her. he got into bed and faced her, he pulled her towards him by her hips and rested his head over her shoulder. she wrapped her leg around him. "i'm sorry for what i said earlier. alex i mean it, i'm sorry." he said, rubbing his hand up and down her leg. "dave it's okay, i promise." he buried his face into her neck and sighed. alex slowly fell asleep but dave lay awake thinking about how much he loved her. "i wish you knew how much i loved you." he whispered, quiet enough that even if she was awake, she wouldn't have heard him.

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