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When alex wakes up the next morning, david isn't next to her. he's probably just downstairs but either way she wishes she were in his arms. she hates waking up without him. she gets out of bed slowly, neglecting to put on pants, and goes downstairs.

when she gets downstairs david is in the kitchen already, showered and dressed. it's only 9am. as she gets closer she can see and hear him talking on the phone, probably with hotch. "ok. see you soon." she hears him say, ending the conversation and hanging up the phone. he looks up and smiles when her almost 7 months pregnant self waddles into the kitchen. "good morning." he says as she walks towards him. "mm hmm." she answers still sleepily.
she moves to stand by him and he immediately wraps his arm around her waist. "hotch wants us at the bureau by 11." he says.
she nods, "i'll talk to him today then."
"and you're positive this is what you want?" he's truly happy with her decision. he cant stand to see her hurt like she was in the past.
"very positive."
"you know...we have a lot of time before we have to leave..." he says, looking down at her.
"oh yeah?" she says, looking up at him with a flirty smile.
he quickly picks her up and sets her on the kitchen counter. the granite is cold under her almost bare ass. her thighs clench in anticipation as his hands move up her legs. he pushes her thighs apart with his hand, keeping eye contact with her. she bites her lip when he pulls her panties down and off, throwing them on the kitchen floor.
he starts by kissing the inside of her thighs, making her squirm. "david please." she whines.
he moves from where he was standing, stopping completely. "please what?" he asks.
she gives him a needy look, "please david, i actually need this so bad."
he knows she's not kidding, her pregnancy hormones have made her sex drive insane. in the hotel they did it almost everyday.
he laughs, kissing her lips slowly and teasingly, before moving down to pleasure her.
after awhile alex gets loud. she's getting close and he can tell from the way her moans change. "oh my god david!" she cries before moaning airily, telling him that she's climaxing.
"holy shit." she breathes when he's done. she closes her eyes, sighing contentedly.
"i'm so happy i married you." she says out of breath, her eyes still closed.
he laughs, kissing up her neck and to her lips before helping her down from the counter.
she walks out of the kitchen without another word. her panties lie on the floor while david cleans the kitchen. he cant believe their finally married either.
he actually semi-eased her stress about today. she is a little nervous to tell the team about her quitting, she's especially nervous for Spencer. He's had a tough time lately and her leaving certainly won't help. She knows Hotch and Strauss will be understanding. she's had a rough year and they both know that. She'll miss them a lot but she knows she can see them whenever she wants.

she gets out of the shower and dries her hair quickly. She then dresses, straightens her hair, and does her make up. Being pregnant makes everything take so much longer, so by the time she's done it's almost time to leave. 

she takes a deep breath as she collects her badge and gun to hand in. Handing in the gun is no big deal, she and David have multiple around the house "just in case." however handing her badge and really signifies the reality of it all. But she's ready.

she walks downstairs and David is ready to leave. "ready babe?" he asks, studying her. she nods and follows him out to the car. The whole car ride there Alex's leg is nervously shaking. She doesn't even realize she's doing it until David sets his hand on her thigh, stopping it. "relax alex."

"i know, i know. i'm not nervous or anything i just...i don't know." she struggles to give him an explanation.

"it's going to be fine honey." he assures her.

"oh my god." alex says all of a sudden.

he instantly looks over at her, making sure she's okay. "what! alex what's wrong?" he asks, alarmed.

" I haven't been to an appointment for the baby in like....over a month. what if she's not okay? oh my god."

he sighs in relief, "i'm sure she's just fine. make an appointment and go after you talk to hotch. i'll come if i can but i-"

alex cuts him off. "no you're right. she's probably fine. i'll go after i talk to hotch, you don't have to come i'll be fine. i'm taking this car though."

he parks the car and looks at her. "please drive carefully." he says, kissing her cheek and getting out of the car.

he hands her the keys as they walk into the bureau.

upon entering, they part separate ways. alex goes directly to hotchs office and david goes into his own office.
she takes a deep breath before entering. he looks up when she walks in. "good morning blake. what can i do for you?"
she smiles warmly at him, "i know you and i have had multiple conversations about this topic, and working here has been amazing. but today is hopefully my last day."
he cracks a rare smile, "i see. i understand, you've had a tough year and a baby on the way. you've been one hell of an agent alex blake. it's been a pleasure."
"thank you sir."
"i'll take your badge and gun and strauss will have your paperwork. i'll call her."
she nods, handing him both items and walking out.
she expected it to be that easy, she was obviously anxious for no reason. telling the rest of the team will be much harder.
hotch isn't much for sappy goodbyes, and he knows he'll see alex quite often. he's a profiler for gods sake, he saw the massive new wedding ring on her finger.
strauss looks up as alex enters the room, "good morning agent blake. i've heard about your leave and i have your documents. you've done good work here. i'm a little sad to see you go."
alex smiles, "thank you maam."
strauss gives her the papers and a pen which she signs quickly. "thank you. it was a pleasure." alex says as she walks out.
a weight feels lifted off her shoulders as she walks to david's office.

undercover loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora