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he reaches around her, knowing how to conclude the night. alex will cuddle up to him, eventually falling asleep awhile into whatever their watchunf and he'll have to carry her upstairs. at least that's usually what happens on the rare occasions which they have time to watch tv.

he turns the tv on and wraps one arm around her, keeping her close. she moves closer to him, laying her head on his shoulder. the lights in the living room are dark, only illuminated by the dim kitchen light as the sun is setting. "do we want to know the babies gender?" she asks out if the blue. it's only been almost 20 minutes.
he shrugs, "you can decide."
she thinks for a moment, "we probably want to know right?"
he looks down at her, "whatever you're more comfortable with."

"i don't know if i can handle having another son."
he sets his other hand on her thigh, "i know honey, dont worry about it now. we'll figure it out."
she nods, still unsure. but his words help relieve the knot of anxiety inside of her.
somehow he knows. he always knows.
"relax alex. it'll be fine."
she lets out a sigh and stands from his embrace. "can we go to bed?"
she asks.
he looks at his watch that probably costs more than her car, and stands. it's only 8pm.
"yeah. i'll be up in a second."
she nods, starting towards their bedroom.
he watches her go before making his way towards his office. he pulls the expensive velvet box from his blazer pocket, hiding it safely in the desk drawer.

when he enters the bedroom, alex is sliding on black panties and getting ready for bed. she gets into their bed but watches him move around the room, waiting for him. he's unbuttoning his shirt and her eyes follow him across the room. her pregnancy hormones really screw her over and she realizes how long it's been since they've had sex. she misses it and she's fully aware that he probably does too. he just has way to much regard for her well-being to even think about sex. solely because of her injuries.
he finishes what he was doing and slides into bed next to her. he kisses her softly, his hand grazing her chest. he probably knows what he's doing to her.
she faces away from him as he lays down, and minutes later she feels his hands wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him. he holds her tightly against his chest. "i love you." he says, kissing her cheek.
"i love you too."

it's always a relief to wake up and realize that neither of you were called away for a case during the night. when david wakes up, alex is holding onto him tightly. she's facing his chest and her arms are wrapped around him, her leg around his waist as if she's grounding herself to him. she had to have woken up at least twice last night. the first time he woke up with her and held her tightly to him, similar to now.
the second time she got completely out of bed, standing in the bathroom and regulating her breathing. he won't push her to talk about it, she will when she's ready.

he reaches for his phone, first calling to make a reservation at the restaurant they would be eating at tonight. high end, expensive, and extremely fancy fit the bill for tonight. the signing isn't until 4pm, and he hopes it doesn't last long. he has something planned for tonight, and signing books isnt as fun as it would seem.

alex wakes up just as he's getting off the phone. "who was that?"
she asks sleepily.
"dinner reservation." he answers, running his under her shirt from her lower back to her shoulder blades.
she hums in response, "what time do we have to leave?"
she asks, referring to the signing.
he thinks for a moment, "3:00 probably. it's almost a 40 minute drive."
"what time is it now?"
he glances at the clock, "almost 10."
she nods into his chest, continuing to lay against him.
when he gets up minutes later, so does she. she'd rather lay in bed with him in it.
the minute she gets up, there's a familiar feeling in her stomach.
she recognizes it almost instantly and enters the bathroom, leaning over the toilet. david's behind her in an instant per usual.
he's rubbing her back, comforting her, and holding her hair from her face.
fuck morning sickness.

when she's finished she retreats back to their bed. she had planned to go eat, or pick her clothes out for tonight or something. but that morning sickness debut cancelled any motivation for that. david makes sure she's fine before getting into the shower.

she lays primarily on david's side, he doesn't know that's always where she inhabits when he's gone. it smells like him and gives her a sense of familiarity, love.

when he gets out of the shower, her face is buried in his pillow. she's facing away from him but he can see she's laying on his side of the bed. he can't help but smile in love for her.

he dresses while alex continues to sleep. he eventually leaves the room to eat and prepare for tonight's events.
when she wakes up it's been almost 2 hours. she's fully aware that her sleep schedule is not okay.

she showers and moves to dry and straighten her hair, do her makeup, and finally choose her outfit. she decides on a long sleeved, short black dress, obviously needing to cover the still visible scars.
she pairs it with black high heels to match david's black suit. her baby bump is slightly visible, but she'll have to get used to it. she's only getting bigger.

she's almost finished getting ready when david enters the bathroom. "hey hon-"
he stops mid sentence when he sees her reflection in the mirror. she turns around to see his eyes widen at the sight of her.
she smiles, turning her attention back to what she was doing.
he comes up behind her, his hands dropping to her hips as he kisses her neck.
"if we don't leave," he says in between kisses, "we're going to be late."
she catches his eye in the mirror and she turns around, connecting their lips. she smiles into their kiss as his hands wander.
"when we get home." he promises as he pulls away and leaves the bathroom.
she already can't wait.

undercover loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon