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alex actually got up today. she worked on paperwork from the previous case as well as collecting her things from around rossi's house. she didn't want to be a burden on him as much as she wanted to stay.

when dave got home from work, alex was waiting for him with a glass of wine on the couch. he poured himself the old whiskey he was always drinking, and sat down next to her. "how was work?" she asked softly.
"it was fine. no cases at the moment, we've got 3 agents out. thank god you can all come back tomorrow." he said.
alex smiled and nodded her head, sipping her wine. dave turned the tv on and snaked his hand behind her back and around her waist, allowing her to get comfortable and lay against him.

the touch sent a wave of panic through her, she couldn't remember the last time she felt comfortable with a man. after her son died, john had became increasingly violent, he blamed her for ethans death. ,john  was a good man when she married him, but ethans death made him turn to alcohol and he began to hit her constantly. she couldn't tell anyone, she feared they would just pity her. the only time she was happy now was when she was around the team and dave, and she could escape to work. john had recently gotten trougher,her body was littered with large bruises, but she was always careful to cover them up.

alex tensed at the feeling of dave's arm around her. he knew she was still technically married, so what was he doing? she let out a deep breath and cuddled up against him. dave provided so much comfort for her, just being around him made her feel safe. something she rarely ever had with john.

when alex woke up the next morning, she was in dave's bed with him next to her. she smiled to herself, dave had carried her upstairs after she fell asleep on him last night. then, her phone rang. she answered it quickly so the ringing wouldn't wake dave up.
"get home you bitch." it was john.
alex bit her lip nervously. "i cant john. i'm working a case." she spat.
"i'll be waiting for your arrival." he slurred, drunkenly. he was probably up all night drinking again.
she sighed "john im taking my things and i'm leaving. i cant deal with this anymore. we need a divorce." she said.
"fuck no. i'm not signing divorce papers. your mine." he said.
"i'm done with you. i've told you to stop and you don't listen. i'm leaving." alex said lowly.
"i'll see you tonight baby." john said laughing  as he hung up.
alex felt tears prick behind her eyes. the thought of her having to go home tonight frightened her.
dave had woke up to the sound of alex's phone ringing. he had heard the whole conversation. "alex? is everything okay?" he asked.
alex ignored him, walking to the bathroom to get dressed for work. she wasn't ready to talk about it. she had a lot on her mind right now, she was trying to sort it all out.

she walked out of the bathroom "thank you for everything dave." she said, walking over to him and hugging him quickly. she longed to stay in his arms but she couldn't bear the questions he would ask. she abruptly left the house, leaving dave at a loss for words, and walked outside to her car. hotch had an assistant being alex's car to dave's house so she could get to work properly. she drove to the BAU, her head full of questions and decisions she had to make.

dave pov:
alex just left, saying no more than goodbye. everything seemed to be going so well until that bastard john called. i knew he was bad news, but just talking to him made alex cry. she desperately wanted a divorce but he wouldn't let up. why? i asked myself, profiling the situation. 

he pushed away the thoughts and got ready for work. the whole team was back together now, all of the injured agents back on their feet.
"alright everyone. we have a case, we have an unsub kidnapping women, raping them, and killing them over the span of a week. the local police department wants us to fly over there tomorrow, so today we'll work with what we have here. sound good?" hotch said to the team.  everyone nodded in response and began to look at victimology.  the team conversed about the case and looked at police records. dave noticed that alex didn't say a word. this was unusual for her, she could usually give insight about unsubs and why they could be doing what they were doing. she was an asset to the team, she just seemed so distracted. at 7pm they weren't really getting anywhere, they weren't able to canvas crime scenes or anything so they were slightly lost. "you guys can all go home tonight. be here at 6am." hotch said to the team. everyone looked at eachother, leaving quickly before hotch could change his mind.

alex winced at the thought of going home. she slowly packed up her things and walked out of the bullpen. alex saw dave walking towards hotchs office just as she was approaching the elevator. he walked towards her. "alex what's wrong with you today?" he asked sincerely, searching her face. "nothing dave i'm fine, really." she said, managing a small smile. she loved how much he cared about her and she truly wanted to open up to him, but with john and everything being so complicated, she couldn't.  "i'll see you in the morning." she said reassuringly. with that, she walked into the elevator and went to her car. she drove as slowly as she could. she hoped john was asleep, then she could start packing her things to leave him. she parked her car and unlocked the front door. john was sitting on the couch waiting for her. "hey baby." he slurred.
alex walked straight to the kitchen, setting her bag down. he came up behind her and whispered "i missed you." alex could smell the alcohol on his breath. she turned her head, facing away from him as he placed his hand on her lower back. she shuddered at his touch, she couldn't figure out what she would be in for tonight. he trailed his hand up her back and around to her face, cupping her chin roughly in his hand. "look at me bitch." he said. alex looked at him fearfully. "there's my pretty little girl." he said, inches away from her face.
alex turned her head around, his hand dropping from her face. "please just leave me alone tonight." she pleaded.
"not a chance." he said angrily.
alex knew she couldn't do this, not tonight. she went to pick up her bag and her car keys, but john beat her to it. "your staying here tonight." he smiled menacingly.
he delivered a harsh slap to her face, and she winced in pain. he grabbed her roughly by the shoulder, hitting her again. "your such a bitch. you never call during the day or anything. you think ethan would be proud of his mommy now?" he asked. he knew this would get under her skin. "john please, stop" she cried. he was still hitting her. "shut up." he said, dragging her back towards the kitchen. "john stop it!" she yelled this time.
this pushed him over the edge. "you deserve this." he spat.
he slammed her head against the counter, causing her to fall to the ground. everything was going fuzzy. he continued to hit or kick her as she lay on the ground.
alex knew after his call this morning he would be rough tonight, but she didn't think he was capable of something like this. she lay bruised on the floor. suddenly she heard the door slam. john was leaving. alex could hardly move, john really did a number on her tonight. she tried to sit up, but she her vision was blurring, making her dizzy. she fished for her phone in her back pocket, she called the one person she knew she could count on.
"david?" she said weakly.
"alex? what's wrong? are you okay?" he asked worried.
"david it's bad. you-you need to come over here." she said, her voice cracking.
"i'm on my way. alex what happened?" he said sternly.
"after my son ethan died, he-um, john blamed me for ethans death and he... i cant." she said sobbing. she couldn't finish the sentence.
"it's okay, your gonna be okay. i'm almost there." he said.
he pulled into her driveway and ran inside. the door was unlocked, and he saw alex laying broken in the kitchen. she had tears running down her face, her arms were already littered with bruises, and her cheeks were red where she had been slapped repeatedly. he ran towards her "oh sweetheart what happened to you?" he asked quietly. he gently slid his arms under her knees and behind her shoulders. he carried her to the couch and sat down with her on his lap, so she was facing him with her head on his shoulder. her sobs subsided and she calmed down in his arms. "are you okay alex? do you need to go to the hospital?" he asked her, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"he was drunk and angry and..... i wont lie to you. this happens a lot." she finished. burying her face in his shoulder. she wanted to tell dave the truth. she hoped this incident would help her finally leave john. "i'm sorry honey." he said softly, rubbing her back. she loved when he called her names like that.
dave could feel her calming down, but it seemed like she hit her head pretty bad. he carefully picked her up and carried her out to his car. "david?" she said.
"i'm right here honey." he answered.
"can you go inside and get my bag, my car keys, the book of pictures of ethan on the living room table, and there should be an envelope behind the picture frame in the bathroom?" she asked.
"alex you can get your stuff when you-"
"no. i'm never coming back here." she answered him.
he got out of the car and went inside, retrieving the things she asked for.
he drove her to the hospital and carried her inside, walking alongside the stretcher the doctor ordered, holding her hand.

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