Chapter 20: Ashla's Side of the Story

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Ashloy: "Mom, how did you meet dad?"

Ashla proceeds to sit down and beside her Siamese Cat Human hybrid daughter with her father focusing on eating his meat-flavored cake, before starting her story.

Ashla: "It all started with me starting my day going on my usual patrol; it was VERY HOT that day; and at the time it was under control of 2 people: A skunk named Cyril Le Paradox and an elephant named Ms. Decibel. I was trained to capture individuals on sight and not kill them for information; which was mainly for interrogation. When I brought your father home, he BEGGED for his life to be spared to which I did; and as a result, your father showed more than gratitude to me letting him live. From then on, your father and I fell into a loving relationship that eventually resulted in your birth. Isn't that right, Sweetheart?"

Royce: "Yes, my love." Royce said to his Siamese Cat wife as he continued stuffing his face. "Now Ashloy, this is all from your mother's P.O.V., so listen closely. And Ashla..."

Ashla: "Yes?"

Royce: "Don't forget that when you found me, and what condition I was in!"

Ashla: "Oh, and when I found your father... he was in TERRIBLE shape, I mean in seriously terrible shape. So bad that he was speaking with delirium (and lack of understanding) and remained unconscious for several hours."

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia (Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now