Chapter 9: Dealing With Agent Jilieus

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After Royce was done explaining his allergies and problems with his family. He wanted to permanently end Agent Jilieus' life. Seeing that she didn't suffer enough, the thought alone made him draw out his blade as he left the house, with one thing in mind: either kill her while she was unconscious in cold blood or...

Ashla: "Sweetheart, where do you think you are going?"

Royce: "Dealing with a little problem we both wish to get rid of. And by 'get rid of' I mean Kill."

Ashla: "Kill what?" Ashla asks with confusion.

Royce: "That Wolf! I'm going to finish the job!"

Unpredictably enough, Carmelita comes in, notices and hears the commotion before seeing Royce storm with daggers in his eyes and crimson-red eyes.

Carmelita: "What's his problem?!"

Ashla: "Oh nothing, he's just going to kill that Wolf that drugged me and tried to hurt Ashloy." Ashla said nonchalantly with no worry in her voice.

Carmelita: "WHAT?!" Carmelita then rushes out of the house in panic as to try and find Royce, "Royce, where are you?!" She asks as trying to look for the 21-year-old, whom she then found standing over Agent Jilieus. "Royce, what are you doing? You plan on killing her? I know you're mad and want revenge and all, but is this the way to solve this? Just give her to me so she'll be behind bars!"

Royce: "She deserves to die!"

If you want Royce to slay Agent Jilieus in cold-blood, leave a vote. Or If you want Agent Jilieus to be arrested by Inspector Fox thanks to Royce. You determine...

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