Chapter 41: Ashloy's New "Pet". Part 3

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Meanwhile, with Baheera...

Baheera: "I swear, this is SO a bad idea." She told herself as she was about to knock on the DeBarry's house's door when suddenly Ashla opened the door with Ashloy beside her. "So, your kid, where is she?"

Ashla: "You must be Baheera, if I remember correctly from our previous encounter? Yes?"

Baheera: "Yes Captain."

Ashloy: "I want to go and see my friend, now mom!"

Ashla: "Okay, you two can go," but before Ashloy and Baheera leave, she wants Baheera attention, "and Baheera... hurt my child or if she gets hurt and you're going to wish you'd stayed in your precious dimension! Do you understand?"

Baheera: "Yes Captain."

Ashla: "Now go."

Baheera takes out her Binococom that Royce gave her and begins to inform him that she went to the house and has picked up his child.

Baheera: "So Kiddo, where are we going to? To uh, see your friend?"

Ashloy: "The Icy Sand Plains."

Baheera: "The Icy-What now?" Baheera asked her superiors' daughter not knowing what the Icy Sand Plains were.

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