Chapter 40: Nate Needs Somewhere To Live.

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Once Royce, Nate, Ashla, Milo and Ashloy ate their meals, it was time for Milo and Nate to head home. But Nate... Nate had no house or anywhere to go.

Nate: "But what about me?! I don't have anywhere to go home to!! I need someplace to live."

Royce: "Ashla, do you know anyone who would let Nate here, live with him?"

Ashla: "How about... her?"

Royce: "You mean Agent Milo?"

Milo: "What about me? Wait, why me?! Why does that male human have to reside in my place? And how..."

Royce: "You gave me personal permission and access to personal information. Not to mention a learning experience for the 2 of you. Or well... yeah, from what I 'can' see, Nate here, is HIGHLY, no, VERY introverted and shy and so..."

Ashla: "... so the two of us thought you could use company, seeing your Martial Status is Single."

Milo: "So? And you two think I'd let a complete stranger into my house and live with me? Nah. Not going to happen!"

Ashla: "Think of it like this Milo, you could have your own personal maid, or someone who you could talk to. Maybe a friend? Have him pay off the life debt he owes you. What if you are busy with an assignment and things can't be done? You can rely on him for things to get done. I ask that of my husband all the time."

Nate: "I ain't nobody's maid! Nope! Not going to happen!!"

Royce then approached Nate and whispered into his ear.

Royce: "If I were you, I'd be thankful right about now. We're trying to help you. And I'm pretty sure a decent person like yourself would want to fall prey to criminals, would you?"

Nate: "Uh, no?"

Ashla: "Good, word of advice Nate: if you behave around Milo here, she might as well treat you like a prince, I sure know I do," she tells Nate while referring to Royce whom Nate saw blush with intensity, "isn't that right, Milo?"

Milo looked away while crossing her arms in defeat and annoyance.

Milo: "Sure, I guess. You, Nate, you're coming with me."

Nate: "HELP!" Nate whispered to Royce while leaving.

Royce: "Can't help you here man, just trust in Milo. I hear she treats her friends with respect."

Nate: "Please don't hurt me," he begged Milo with innocent eyes seeing that not only had he survived getting chased by Infected Siamese Cat Zombies but was taken from his home via portal, just like Royce, "I don't want to die. Not by a Cat!!"

Milo turns around and stares at Nate, before observing his unusual and Introverted behavior.

Milo: "What are you talking about? I have no intentions on harming you, and it's not because of my superiors."

Nate: "Then why?" Nate then began looking at Milo's suit, "what is the suit for? I'd like to see what your face looks like. Please?"

Milo: "The suit? It's for intimidation. But then it's for against my enemies, it helps me in remaining undetected from the Undead and assists in my abilities at night."

Nate: "So you're unique?"

This seemed to touch Milo to a personal level.

Milo: "You think I'm 'Unique'? No one has ever called me that before... well there is also another reason as to why I'm different from the other Cats."

Nate: "Why? Other than the suit, I'm assuming you'd look normal to me... take off your mask." Nate requested of Milo whom complied before questioning him one more time.

Milo: "Are you for sure you want to see my face?"

Nate: "Yes!" So Milo takes off her mask hoping that this human, Nate, wouldn't judge her. "There's nothing wrong with your face. You have~ WOW!..."

Milo: "WHAT?!"

Nate: "Nothing, your face is just so beautiful, your Hazel eyes, I just LOVE." This made Milo blush so hard that it showed through her fur and suit and made Nate concerned, "Ms.Milo, are you ok? You~"

Milo: "Here we are, my house."

Nate: "I can live here?"

Milo: "Yes."

Nate: "May I ask you a personal question, Milo."

Milo: "What?"

Nate: "What is actually wrong with you? And why would someone actually be scared of you, you're so... sweet."

Milo: "My eyes; I only see in body heat. I can't see faces, images or anything like that. I'm no normal Siamese Cat."

Nate: "It's ok, I think you're fine."

With that said and done, Nate and Milo walk inside the house together before settling in and getting comfortable.

This Chapter was made on 4.1.2021 (April Fool's Day) and finished just before 4.4.2021 (Easter). I just want to say that I planned on getting it finished on Easter! But well... I finished WAAY earlier than expected.

Wouldn't you say?

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia (Book 3) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu