Chapter 36: Where is 'Patient Zero'?

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30 minutes later...

Carmelita: "I'm here. What seems to be the problem? You said it was Viral? What's up with that?"

Royce: "As I said (once again), there is a possible chance that this might be another Zombie infection disease, but this time more infectious and intelligent."

Carmelita: "... And intelligent? What are you talking about, Royce?"

Royce: "I'm talking about when it infects a host, such as you or the Guards."

Carmelita: "What about you?"

Royce: "I'm immune, and this type of virus infects specifically the Guards."

Carmelita: "Why?"

Royce: "It makes the Siamese Cat's more intelligent and the Mandrill's even more aggressive. I don't know why it doesn't affect the Komodo Dragon's, maybe they're Carrier's?"

Carmelita: "Uh! Let's just get to curing!

Royce: "No."

Carmelita: "WHAT?! What do you mean no?!"

Royce: "Give me your gun, Inspector," Royce hands out his hand in an attempt to take the Shock Pistol but Inspector Fox resists to a variting degree, "That is an order Ms.Fox!"

Carmelita: "NO."

Royce: "Uhh... you are soo thick-headed! Just like Ashla. FINE, you get bit by anyone, and I mean ANYONE, you're as good as gone. Oh and by the way, Siamese Cat's tend to become more Uh... aggressive as well...."

Carmelita: "Is that why you had your wife and kid go into the basement?"

Royce: "One of them."

Carmelita: "So why did you really call me over here Royce?"

Royce: "Mainly to find Patient Zero."

Carmelita: "Why?"

Royce: "I need to find out who was the first species to become infected before moving onto the next set of infected species."

Carmelita: "Ok, do I need to knock out Patient Zero?"

Royce: "Yes."

Carmelita: "Wait a minute, something just came to mind: how will I be able to see where Patient Zero is?"

Royce: "Do you still got that mask Bentley gave to you?"

Carmelita: "Why?"

Royce: "You'll see, it'll be a different color from the others."

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