Chapter 50: "Royce, Start Explaining!"

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With Royce in shock, and stuck under Calypso (a "Squad-member" whom in reality was actually a poacher out for Royce's head), he could not get out from underneath the former squad member turned poacher, and struggled til the point of exhaustion. Before eventually giving up, fortunately for him, Milo (alongside Nate) were able to pick the now deceased poacher and carry Royce's unconscious body back to his home.

Carmelita: "Is he dead?" Carmelita asked the human and Siamese Cat couple whom both shook their heads, "that's a relief; whatever happened to that Calypso lady? And what happened between her and Royce?"

Ashla then unexpectedly enters the room while eavesdropping on Milo and Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox on the discussion of Royce and Calypso.

Milo: "Turns out that Calypso was a poacher and wanted to hunt Royce as if he was some trophy animal. The two fought hard, with him nearly winning against her, but she was trying to intentionally kill him and nearly did, until I uh, let's say... cleaned her clock."

Carmelita: "You murdered one of your own teammates?!"

Milo: "She is a traitor! She manipulated the Captain; Nate is ABSOLUTELY terrified of her; and for the record: I defended Royce, someone's life was at stake. No one deserves to die like that, and no one deserves to have a friendship, relationship, or marriage torn apart by deception and without full information," Milo tells Inspector Fox, as both Milo and Nate laid Royce down on the nearby Silky loveseat, "and if you see Ashla, hand her this..." Milo hands over the audio recording to Carmelita, "it's an audio recording of the entire fight and conflict between Royce and Calypso. It's not pretty, I'll tell you."

Nate: "Here are his possessions Mrs.DeBarry." Nate said to the Siamese Cat Captain as Nate and Milo left the house, "Hope he recovers."

The Next Day...

Ashloy: "Mommy! Mommy! Daddy's waking up!" Ashloy said with excitement.

Ashla: "Is he now?" Ashla asked uninterested, but more concerned about what Royce did with her feelings, and how it made her feel, and with a good shout, Ashla yells, "ROYCE!! WAKE UP!!"

This, made Royce fall out of the loveseat that he was placed upon by Milo and Nate, and effectively waking him up as a result.

Royce: "Ouch!" Royce rubbed the now sore part of his head, before confusion overcame him, "am I dead? Did Calypso kill me? Is this what death feels like?" Ashla ignored these questions, wanting to be direct and get straight to the point with Royce.

Ashla: "You have a LOT of explaining to do," Ashla told Royce as she brought out her ultra-sharp Arabic Scimitars; Ashla looks at him with predatory eyes, ears raised, now at full-attention; she used her Scimitars in an intimidating posture. Putting Royce on edge, in fact making him nervous, "You must think I don't know what you did with Calypso, now? Do you?" She continues questioning Royce while using the Arabic Scimitars against each other to create sparks. "Why did you do it? Why did you hurt me? You lied to me, betrayed me, betrayed my heart?"

Royce knew what she meant by this, but he didn't know how to explain it in words. But he gave it a shot and tried anyway.

Royce: "I- I didn't want to put you or anyone here in this family in danger; I don't know what she (Calypso) had against me (personally); I exploited her weakness after the fact she told me that she never really was loved or taken care of when she was a child. So I ran out of options, the one option I DIDN'T like was the whole seduction thing. It was my last choice, and normally in my world, trying something like that will get you hurt, if not worse, killed." Royce looks away from Ashla in disappointment and pain, knowing what he did was awful.

Ashla: "You expect me to believe you? After what you just pulled Royce DeBarry?!" Ashla looked away from Royce in disappointment and from being heartbroken, "I should throw you in jail after what you pulled, Royce DeBarry!"

Royce: "I'm not lying, Ashla. My life was at risk! She was too strong; she was bout to kill me. More than several times. It was like she was toying with me!"

Ashla: "And~ and can you prove it?" This got Ashla to thinking about Milo's 'evidence' as to prove Royce's innocence, "it seems as though I nearly forgot one of your friend's gifts," holding the recording in her clawed paws, and eventually listening throughout the entire conversation, "oh. She is manipulative, sad too..." this made her feel guilty for calling Royce a liar, deceptive and a cheater, "Royce, I'm sorry..." before Ashla knew it, Royce was gone and out of the house.

Question was: "Where did Royce go?"

Ashla: "Royce, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I accused you of things you are not... I promise I will find you." Ashla though to herself before immediately organizing patrols in an attempt to find Ashloy's father, better yet, her husband, her loved-one. "I love you."

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