Chapter 37: The Hunt...

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After Royce relayed some instructions through Carmelita's Binocucom, he loaded his anti-zombie rounds (Bentley made Royce some new toys) and sleep darts with similar sedative effects. Grenade Pods (V-Pods: Vaccine Pods) with A.O.E. (Area Of Effect), a GL (Grenade Launcher) and a grappling hook so he could deploy rope at any location at Will. He also had a Tranquilizer Rifle with heavy-duty sedatives and an attachable scope and more than enough syringes to test an entire city.

Once Royce prepared his load-out, he called out to Agent Jilieus (phoned) to which she (and her Spec-Ops team) immediately answered and arrived at his location.

Agent Jilieus: "What seems to be the problem, Mr.DeBarry?"

Royce: "There's a pandemic going on around here, and I need you and your team to help in containment."

Agent Jilieus: "What type of containment, Sir?"

Royce gets out a virus detection device and applies it against each and the other 3 Spec-Ops Siamese Cat's ears, and several masks.

Royce: "Good, you are ALL not infected." Royce then puts on a mask for each Cat.

Agent Jilieus: "Sir, what is this about? You're starting to make me concerned."

Royce: "Good! Cause I am just as concerned for your squad."

Agent Jilieus: "Why?"

Royce: "There's an infection, I mean pandemic going around and it mainly infectious amongst the Cats, but it also infects the others."

Agent Jilieus: "That's why you're concerned for everyone..."

Royce: "Mainly YOUR soldiers, those are the ones I'm concerned for the most. Well... was..."

Agent Jilieus: "Was? And why?"

Royce: "They're Cats. I also need samples of their blood. Just to see if they've successfully bonded with this new viral infection."

Agent Jilieus: "How can you tell if they've successfully bonded or are carrying this virus, Sir?"

Royce: "Heightened intelligence, Jilieus. Heightened intelligence. Followed by Heightened aggression, a desire to spread the infection, uh... you really don't want to know what the rest are, seriously. Now everyone, go and find Patient Zero!" He said handing everyone their own useful weapon (except the Tranquilizer gun. Royce kept ahold of this) to track down Patient Zero, including the masks. Fortunately for him, he had 2 of everything. "Good, everyone's gone."

As soon as he is in the Forbidden Zone, he is contacted by Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox whom immediately activated her distress signal.

Carmelita: "ROYCE, NEED HELP! Immediately!!" She yells over the Binococom before hearing the noise of static.

Royce: "Hello? Hello! CARMELITA? CARMELITA COME IN!!" Seeing as to how Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox wasn't responding, Royce IMMEDIATELY switched over to his Binococom to contact Agent Jilieus and her squad, "Calling all available units, this is Royce DeBarry, I want everyone to intercept any and ALL potential threats to Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox." Royce requested through the Binococom, resulting in Agent Jilieus and her squad rush towards the destination where Carmelita's last transmission was last heard from.

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