Chapter 52: Has Royce lost his mind?!

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As Lori pounced at the invisible figure and eventually restrained it, Milo began using more of her pain-free paint-based ammunition to reveal more and more of the figures physical features. Which turned out to be the very person that they were searching for, Royce. But something was off about him, very off and Frosty could sense it. That was when Royce, out of nowhere, all so suddenly lashed out at the group, nearly biting Ashloy's tail.

Ashloy: "Daddy, what's wrong with you? Mommy wants to say she's sorry," seeing how her father's behavior wasn't changing a bit made her concerned, "what's wrong with him?" Ashloy asked the two Spec-Ops Soldiers, "this has never happened to him before." she stated, only to start thinking, "the only time I have seen Daddy do something like this was..." before coming to a possible conclusion, "whenever he gets emotional, gets hurt, hurts or harms one of the family," revealing a large, visible scar that showed through the fur on the side of her face, intimidating Milo and Lori, "... and when he mentions something about being on Narcotics for 2 Weeks, it drove him mad. Nearly attacking people around him." Ashloy explained to the two Siamese Cat Spec-Ops Soldiers who now looked frightened. "I also heard Daddy nearly killed that Wolf that happened to give me this scar."

Milo: "What was her name?"

Ashloy: "Daddy said her name was 'Agent Jilieus'," Ashloy responded, "I have heard that my dad 'wiped her mind, brainwashed her or something' and she gives orders to some Cats," Ashloy further explains, "Mommy was against the whole idea at first, but dad insisted and started looking for individuals with differences."

Lori: "Our leader tried to kill this Kid?" Lori asked out of concern, "her father interviewed us as his personal soldiers..."

Milo: "He has been using us?" Milo asked with confusion, "despite the fact that we are all looked down upon by society? Discrimination? The like? He hired me despite of my problems, even though I can't see actual color. I can't see a person's face."

Lori: "No one would hire me; despite my skills."

Milo: "Why?"

Lori: "It's personal," Lori informed her teammate, "you wouldn't and will not look at me the same way every again." Lori further explained to Milo.

Milo: "Oh," Milo replied, "that personal. I'm sure it can't be THAT bad..." Milo doubted Lori's claim.

Lori: "I committed some crimes when I was younger," Lori began explaining as the truth came out, "and before you ask me what they were I'll tell you: they were Armed Theft and Street Fighting."

Ashloy: "Daddy looks for the good in people but when he is pushed too far- I don't know what happens, he never shows it."

Milo: "I saw it; I sure wasn't pretty, nor did it sound pretty either."

Lori: "Sounds like Blood-rage, if you ask me."

Ashloy, now getting impatient about her father's irrational behavior, yelled out loud (along with Frosty), at the two Spec-Ops Siamese Cats to which Lori thought now was the time to head out before The Kid loses her mind, just like her father.

Lori: "Let's grab Royce and leave this place before something really bad happens." Lori advised, not liking the feeling she was getting, "please? Like now!"

Ashloy: "Agreed," Ashloy said in unison as she commands Milo to put her father onto Frosty's back and to make sure that he was secured for transport, "Milo, I want you to fasten down, er- I mean secure my father to Frosty, and someone, please put something over his mouth or cover it so no one gets bitten," she requested, "almost bit my tail."

Lori: "Yes Little One." Lori followed Ashloy's commands with question, "Will this work?" Lori asks Ashloy as she finds some thick vines, perfect for wrapping around someone's mouth.

Ashloy: "More than perfect, Lori, good work," Ashloy complimented Lori before warning Lori something else about her father, "oh, and Lori," Lori stops as she was about to gag her father, "I'd be careful around my father's mouth, it can be quite painful. Especially the bite!"

Lori: "Noted..." said to herself as she held Royce down while he was restrained by Frosty whom managed to loosen Milo's restrains, "Thanks Frosty!" Lori "thanked" the Barioth before successfully gagging her father and refastening the restraints that Frosty managed to get remove, "Ok, restraints and gag is firmly secured, Little One. Shall we go?"

Ashloy: "Of course." Ashloy said, making the comment sound not only stupid but obvious, "the procedure is the same. Just don't want to attract attention from the local wildlife, and I don't want my father (whatever has happened to him) to disappear again. Got it, you two?"

Milo & Lori: "Yes Ma'am!"

Ashloy: "Good."

12 minutes later...

Ashloy: "We're almost home-bound. I can see... Uh-O... I can see trouble," Ashloy announces to the two Spec-Ops Siamese Cat's, "It's in the sand. Stand still!" Ashloy yells as this unknown trail of sand revolved around them before it lost interest in the group.

Lori: "You mind telling us what that was about?" Lori crossed her arms, expecting an answer from the child.

Ashloy: "I call it the 'Tyrant Lizard'; it eats Cactus and is highly-aggressive," Ashloy explains to Lori whom seem satisfied from the answer she got out of Ashloy, "normally, I witness it instigating fights with Frosty, but it always retreats."

Milo: "So... we're good? For now?"

Ashloy: "For now," Ashloy confirmed, "don't worry though, it doesn't seem to like being near the City."

Another 15 minutes...

Ashloy: "Thank you two," Ashloy said, struggling to pick up her 'heavy' father, "this was quite something, I must say. Mom was right, I don't think I would've made it out alive," she says to the two Siamese Cat Spec-Ops as she began to hug them. "Hey mom, guess who we found?"

Ashla: "Oh my gosh, my baby!" Ashla says as she comes running towards the sound of her child's voice, "is she alright? No bites? Infections? Monsters? How about Frosty, is he alright?" She began questioning the Spec-Ops, then came the big one. "Where is my husband? What condition is he in?" Lori approached Ashla before putting on her serious face with a frown. Ashla could tell this was a joke if Lori got involved.

Lori: "He has seemed to have lost his mind; tried attacking Ashloy too..." then Milo commented.

Milo: "Like he forgot who we were, what he was, or even well... the like."

Hearing these statements from Royce's highly-trained Spec-Ops Siamese Cat's wanted to make Ashla mad, but instead called for her stepdaughter, Lucky.

Ashla: "LUCKY! I need you for something important!!"

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