Chapter 27: Torturing A Wolf...

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After Royce was snapped out of his insanity-induced rage, he came up with potential ideas on how to "Interrogate" Agent Jilieus.

Royce: "Carmelita, I need the following ingredients for Jilieus' interrogation: LSD; Sodium Pentathol; SP-117 (an "effective" Russian Truth-Serum), and well... NEVER MIND! Just get the SP-117. That's about it... meanwhile, Ashloy and I got business with a Wolf," Royce then proceeds to grab several truth-drugs that Bentley made him, "Isn't that right Ashloy?"

Ashloy: "I want to hurt that Wolf for what she did to me!"

Royce: "I know you do, but first, we play and toy with her." Royce then brings out a tape-recorder.

Ashloy: "Dad, what is that?" The 10-year-old Siamese Cat hybrid asked her 22-year-old father.

Royce: "It's called a tape-recorder, dear. We'll use it to have her confess to what she did to you and the others before we have our 'fun' with her. How does that sound?"

Ashloy: "Uhh..."

Royce: "I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Royce and Ashloy walk their way through Ancient Arabia and towards the hospital where Agent Jilieus is residing.

Meanwhile, at the hospital...

Royce: "Tell me what you know Agent Jilieus."

Agent Jilieus: "Know what?" She said as to pretend to not know anything.

Royce: "Are you sure," he questioned the KGB agent before bringing out Bentley's experimental Truth-serums, "Will this change your mind?"

This earned a confused look from Agent Jilieus.

Ashloy: "Can I hurt her now dad?!"

Royce: "No Ashloy. Tell me where you got the Vicodin, Jilieus!"

Agent Jilieus: "What is Vicodin?" She asked cluelessly.

Ashloy: "NOW?!" Ashloy demanded wanting to at least slice her face.

Royce: "Not now." He told his daughter: Ashloy, before administering Bentley's experimental truth serum to which took immediate effect, "Where did you obtain the Vicodin!?" Royce starts the tape-recorder.

Agent Jilieus: "My Boss! My Boss drugged me!! He said I'd be a human's favorite prey when I'm under the influence. I NEVER WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN!!!"

Royce: "Ashloy, slice!"

Ashloy then brings her claws out and slices at the Agent's face.

Agent Jilieus: "OW!" she reacts at the feeling of pain, "OK, I REALLY will talk!"

Royce: "I'm going to say this one more time: where did you obtain the Vicodin?"

Agent Jilieus: "After I failed in an attempt to kill you and the hybrid child of yours, and got captured. I was in so much pain that I could barely function. I was first sent to have my seriously inflicted injuries treated. Then I was put in my new cell where I was later given a second chance from The Boss to redeem myself because of my failures."

Royce was soon able to slowly put the pieces together.

Royce: "So your 'Boss' doped you up on so much Vicodin that you were given as a sacrifice because of your recent failures? That's pretty... messed up, I got to admit."

After hours of pain-inducing interrogations, and several confessions later...

Carmelita: "Royce, I got~ WHOA!! What did you do to her?!"

Royce: "I let Ashloy play with her a little. Rough her up too. She's now willing to talk too. And here's any evidence on those assassinations, murders, kidnappings, so on and so fourth."

Carmelita: "Did she say where she obtained the Vicodin? Or a specific person for the matter?"

Royce: "Only that The Boss doped her up so much that she was unaware of where she was. Sacrificed her to the human (Royce), because of her past failures in an attempt to exterminate Ashloy and I. Her Boss requested our demise, and well... she's DEFINITELY brainwashed alright, especially at a young age. I think she was kidnapped and separated when she was young and trained to be an assassin. Mind if I erase her mind, Inspector?"

Carmelita: "You were that serious?"

Royce: "She's no more of use to me. But before that, in the case I want to ask Agent Jilieus any more questions, I'll have her memory uploaded into this USB Drive," Royce begins to laugh with a bit of extremism, "it should prove useful."

Carmelita: "Will she be an empty, mindless being?" Concerned for the after-effects.

Royce: "Nah," Royce replied to Carmelita, "it should just wipe out her KGB training, only a tiny bit of her will be in there. But Jessica Harley will be back."

Carmelita: "Jessica Harley?"

Royce: "The famous News broadcaster? The lady that operated the News Chopper while we were fighting that Barioth, remember?"

Carmelita: "Ohh... now I remember! Well... wipe her mind!"

As a result, Royce uploaded Agent Jilieus' memories into the flash drive and wiped whatever memory was present, resulting in Jessica Harley returning.

Royce: "She will most likely have some serious amnesia for the next hour."

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia (Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now