Chapter 48: Calypso You Okay?

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Royce: "Calypso, what is going on?! Explain yourself!" Royce demanded from his oldest Siamese Cat Spec-Ops troop whom only looked at him with cold, evil and uncaring eyes, "Calypso?"

Calypso: "I shall have me my FINAL trophy," Calypso announced as she kept her weapon pointed in the DeBarry's direction, "YOU! Follow me, or these 2 die," Calypso demands from Royce only for her to bring out Milo's and Nate's unconscious form, "This~ this shall be THE ULTIMATE BATTLE!!" This form of antagonistic attack against Royce didn't seem to phase him, Ashla, on the other hand, brought out her dual Arabic Scimitars, "Don't get involved in this, Kitty Cat. This is between us!" She threatened Ashla who backed down, "What is it going to be Royce? You, or their insignificant lives?"

Royce: "You have no honor," he said, using a comeback, "You want to battle?! You must be crazy! My technique is the best; your technique is weak and unfulfilled, you lack discipline! My kids can beat you."

Calypso: "I don't care about your stupid kids, this doesn't involve them!" This being said resulted in Royce running out of potential options, and whatever options Royce did have available, he didn't want to risk. So he decided to do what was "most logical" and not play the hero with Calypso taking him outside, hostage and at gunpoint. "You're seriously not going to resist?" The confused Calypso questions the 22-year-old as she continued to hold him hostage.

Royce: "You threatened me and could've gotten my family hurt... or worse. I'm NOT going to risk my family's lives just so that I can deal with... what are you? And why do you want to kill me?"

Calypso: "You are my LAST trophy! Once I bag you, then stuff you, I'll be known as 'Calypso: The World's Best and Greatest Big Game Hunter'," this gained Royce's attention as he turned around with a look of annoyance, "you think I don't know any of your tricks? I know them all. The Hunter knows ALL the Prey's tricks, deceptions, advantages, strengths and weaknesses, I know your EVERY move."

Royce: "Oh yeah," Royce turned around to Calypso as he questioned her with doubt, only to be met with a quick draw of a handgun to the head, "and I think I know why you 'Hunt For Fun' Calypso," Royce kept talking as he was watching the Feline's eye movement, observing her every reaction, "you hunt other 'animals' because you feel as though you have or need something to prove to someone..."

Calypso: "YOU DON'T KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME! NOTHING ABOUT MY PAST! MY CHILDHOOD, NOTHING," Calypso yelled at her hostage as she started bursting into tears, "I might've been from a rich hunting family, but I was anything BUT normal!! You wouldn't understand..."

Royce: "Why? Because of your different eye-colors? The color of your fur? You weren't accepted by your parents, family? What?!" Royce demanded from Calypso. "At least tell me before you decide to kill me." He begged from the 30-year-old Siberian Siamese Cat.

Calypso: "If you insist," the 30-year-old tells him as she holsters her sidearm before crouching down to his level, therefore lowering her guard, "when news of a human being spread to my home country of Siberia, I knew that this was my chance to earn my parents love, respect, dignity, honor and recognition. But~ but I never got that from them," as Calypso's guard was lowered to the point to where Royce could do something, come up with a plan of attack, she noticed something strange about Royce, "Why are you holding my hand like that," the now concerned 30-year-old Siberian Siamese Cat replied with uncertainty as to of his motives, "you're scaring me, why are you rubbing my paw?! Ohh! Feels so good..." her mind started going numb as a certain instinct started kicking in.

Royce: "If you didn't enjoy your treatment, you Bad Kitty," he disciplines her with his words, "you would have never lowered your guard, pulled that trigger and you wouldn't have known or enjoyed this feeling..." he continued disciplining Calypso verbally, "beg for your forgiveness, you Bad Kitty! Beg for it!" He demands as she kneels before him, submitting to his authority. Unknowingly to Calypso, Royce secretly pick-pocketed her sidearm as he was flirting with the 30-year-old while also seducing her in the process. Only to have no idea where she put her sidearm (even though she knew where it was), "Looking for this," Royce asks Calypso as she put on a look of surprise, "man, getting you worked up... so easy," this got him to thinking, seeing that what is happening right now, not a good idea for said predicament, "You're Single, aren't you?"

Calypso: "WHY SHOULD YOU KNOW?!" Calypso lashed out at her human "captor" with a Liver Shot, only to fail as a result, "*makes out of breath sounds* Impossible! How did you dodge that?! And to answer your stupid question, I am Single! Isn't that what your stupid application said?!" She lashed out at him with her words even more than before, only hearing the sidearm click, preparing to fire resulting in Calypso closing her eyes as she prepared for death's cold embrace, "Kill me, KILL ME NOW!!"

Royce: "Shut up with your stupid nonsense!" He told her as he pinned her to the warm, hard sand, "you're going to pay me for your betrayal..." Royce continued ranting to Calypso as she only struggles before metal hand-cuffs onto her, "if you'd stop struggling, it'd be easier for the both of us." Calypso getting the wrong idea began begging Royce not to take the one thing that she valued the most: her virginity.

Calypso: "Please, please! Take anything but that, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Don't take my virginity! I still haven't found love yet!!" This caught Royce off guard and resulted in him getting off from restraining the 30-year-old Siberian Siamese Cat. "Wha- are you going to take my virginity? I'm confused. You ask me if I'm Single, why quit your advances?"

Royce: "I'm not a monster, I had absolutely no involvement in whatever or why-ever you want to kill me, I have a family and WILL defend my family if it means self-sacrifice. I lead by example, and what I did to the last person whom wronged my family and I, she became a brainwashed, obedient, and mindless soldier with nearly all her memories wiped. And guess where, better yet who this person is..."

Calypso: "Who??"

Royce: "Your Leader, Agent Jilieus. That Wolf shoots my child and tries to kill her only because she is a hybrid," Royce explains to Calypso whom tries to contain her emotions, "and you know what I nearly did to her? I beat her so badly, she couldn't move, blood all over, she had broken bones in several places and now... now she is loyal to me and my family, my family itself for generations; I CARE for my family; sorry to hear yours didn't; but now, get up... NOW!!" Royce demands after explaining what happens to those that wrong him or his family.

Calypso: "Wha- where are you taking me?" Calypso, now genuinely fearing for her life, while having the sidearm pointed against her back, "I want to know, you asked me, now I ask you."

Royce: "Oh don't worry sweetheart, you're going to LOVE ME for what I got in store for you. I'll show you true love. Give you that feeling you need and never had..." Royce told his 30-year-old Siberian Siamese Cat hostage as Royce returned back to his residence with Calypso now a prisoner.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia (Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now