Chapter 38: Another Human, Here?!

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As Milo was just about to take the sedated Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox by carrying her back to the DeBarry's house.

Nate: "Help me!! AAH!!! WALKING CATS ARE CHASING AND TRYING TO KILL ME!!" Nate said as he was running for his life while fleeing from the Infected Siamese Cat Guard's whom were after his flesh. Milo saw this and shot the Infected Siamese Cat's with her Zombie Rounds. Before looking at the terrified 23-year-old who was trembling before her. "Please! Please don't kill me," he says as she lifts her Tranquilizer Rifle before pulling the trigger and sending it towards Nate, hitting him spot on. Nates takes the (barbed) projectile out of his skin before noticing that it was a Tranq Dart, "Not... good..." before falling victim to the tranquilizers effects.

Milo: "Wow, another civilian," this got Milo to thinking, "wait a minute, why does this civilian look like Royce? I thought he was the only one of his kind. Something isn't right here." After she thought long and hard, she thought nothing of it and proceeded to contacting Royce, this time, informing him of another "someone that looks like him."

Royce: " 'Another someone like me'? I'll be there as soon as possible! Continue on with the mission and protect the second civilian until I get there, understand, Agent Milo?"

Milo: "Yes sir," Royce informed the Agent as she took on a new objective with her current one, then Nate starts to slowly wake from his chemical-induced slumber, "I guess the Tranquilizers aren't powerful enough..." she talks to herself as she is about to load another Tranquilizer Dart.

Nate: "Uh... my head..." Nate said waking from the influence of the Tranq Dart then he sees Milo pointing her Tranq Rifle was worried seeing that a Cat was in possession of a firearm, "please, please don't hurt me. What are you suppose to be?"

Milo ignored the panicking human while continuing to point her Rifle at Nate before ordering him to turn around and put his hands into the air. He complied, and turned around and put his hands in the air.

Once Nate complied with Agent Milo's orders, she took out her hand-cuffs from her side-satchel. Nate heard this and knew this meant trouble, but still, he complied. Before he knew it, he was "arrested"... and by a Cat.

Royce arrives several minutes after Milo captured Nate.

Royce: "Agent Milo, report!"

Milo: "Carmelita and this... civilian here, are safe. Uh Royce, where are the Infected that were chasing you?"

Royce: "I found a potential weakness but not a cure.
Apparently the Infected Siamese Cat's are vulnerable to... and uh... don't take this the wrong way Agent Milo, but... ah never mind, they can easily be seduced." When Milo heard this, she couldn't take this seriously and laughed out loud, not believing Royce one bit. "What? I'm serious!" Milo continued laughing as a result. "AGENT MILO!!"

This as a result, got the Agent's attention and she straightened herself out.

Milo: "Yes sir?"

Royce: "Grab that 'civilian' there, and I'll grab Carmelita. But before that, we need to examine them for bite marks..."


Milo: "Sir, I need you to calm down. If you don't, then I WILL use force."

Nate then looks up at Royce while in his sitting position.

Nate: "What's going on?"

Royce: "An Outbreak has occurred."

Nate: "Zombie?"

Royce: "Yeah. How did you know? What's your name?"

Nate: "It's Nate. Now as for the Outbreak, what other Outbreaks or diseases involve bites?"

Royce: "Kuru, and a whole lot more." Once Royce was finished arguing with Nate, he asked Agent Milo if she was finished analyzing both Nate and Carmelita for bite marks before Royce noticed she had some herself, "Agent Milo, you've been bit! Wait a minute..." Royce continues to examine the bite mark, noticing how old it is, "I never gave you a vaccination, how are you immune?"

Milo: "I've been gifted with immunity to any disease. It's on my application. I also got other skills too. You said you were 'hiring Unique Individuals'."

Royce: "Yes, I did. Now, let's escort the civilian to safety out of the Forbidden Zone and I'll carry Carmelita out of here."

Milo: "Yes sir." She replied before escorting Nate and Royce who was now carrying an unconscious and sedated Carmelita Fox back to the Safe Zone (the uninfected part of Ancient Arabia).

Once Royce, Milo and Nate made it back to the outer edge of the Forbidden Zone where Agent Jilieus and Milo's squad mates were waiting, Royce had a nice long talk with her superior and talked about a potential promotion for Milo.

Royce: "Milo, I have plans for you..."

Milo: "What type of plans?"

Royce: "An invitation for dinner, and a talk over supper. Interested?"

Milo: "Definitely!"

Oh, I would also like to thank @Natemasta57 for letting me put him into this story. Let's see how this up and out for him.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love: Back In Ancient Arabia (Book 3) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu