Chapter 21: News of Agent Jilieus' Escape

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Once Ashla was done speaking on her side of the story on how she met Ashloy's father, Royce's phone began ringing.

Royce: "Hello, DeBarry speaking..."

Carmelita: "This is Inspector Fox, unfortunately Mr. DeBarry, I did not call to speak of pleasantries, and I don't think you are going to like these news but yesterday, a group of highly-dangerous Most-Wanted criminals wanted by Interpol have escaped, and I'm afraid that (one of) your family members might be a target."

Royce: " Carmelita, this better be a [____] joke! I do not want to put my family through this [____] again! And you [____]-ing know it well too!"

Carmelita: "Do you want to know why is it Mr. DeBarry?"

Royce then proceeds to go into "a more private" room so he could talk with the Inspector.

Royce: "What?! Who is it?"

Carmelita: "I'm going to hate saying this but that KGB Agent you helped to put away: Agent Jilieus, she escaped..."

When Royce heard those words, he dropped his IPhone XR out of fear and shock over the news.

Carmelita: "Royce? Royce, are you still there? Hello?"

It took Royce several minutes for him to recover from the fear and shock that he was informed of and picked his phone back up, and returned to talking with Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox.

Royce: "I'm... here. Now you're telling me that a dangerous KGB AGENT has escaped and is now on the loose? The SAME Agent that I handed-over to you and you incarcerated?"

Carmelita: "Yes..."

Royce: "OH [____]! JUST [____]-ING GREAAAT! Look Ms. Fox, if she shows up and at my door, you won't be seeing her unconscious and alive, you'll be carrying her out and in a body-bag! I assure ya!" And like that, Royce abruptly hung up on Carmelita anger  and rage. "If she EVEN TOUCHES my family, she's going to DIE!!"

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