Chapter 46: Royce Has What?!

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When Royce and Ashla adopted the unknown Arabic 15-year-old Vixen and returned home, Ashla was upset with Royce (more like confused as to why Royce was acting irrational in/at the Orphanage).

Unknown Vixen: "Does he always act like this," the Unknown Vixen asked her adoptive mother, Ashla getting a bad first-impression from her new adopted Arabic Vixen, "do I have to start calling you 'mom' and 'dad' if I'm going to be living here? Like you're going to start to force me to live here?"

Ashla: "If you don't feel comfortable living here with us," while also pointing at Royce, "I do understand, I haven't seen him act like this before though, this doesn't make any sense." Ashla then proceeded to yell through the house to get Carmelita's attention, "CARMELITA! YOU ARE HUMBLY REQUESTED!"

Carmelita: "Uh," Carmelita grunts out loud as she gets up and out of bed, "what seems to be the problem now?" She stutters before sighting the Arabic Vixen, "no way! Is~ is that~ that my Ancestor?! Are you two telling them that you adopted one of my Ancestors?!"

Ashla: "I don't know," Ashla said with uncertainty before returning back to the original subject at hand, "I didn't request to have a second child," this seemed to confuse the Unknown Vixen, "my~ our daughter wanted a second sibling so we came looking for a child, and that's where we got you."

Carmelita: "Ashla... why am I here? When I should be sleeping? This had better be important!" Carmelita snapped at Ashla before realizing her facial expressions meant the situation was important, "oh, this is about Royce, isn't it?"

Ashla: "He lashed out at the Orphanage Overseer and started talking about someone harming his mother, calling this 9-1-1, and acting highly irrational," Ashla told the Unknown Vixen's present-day ancestor, "and that's when~ uh, what's your name kid?"

Unknown Vixen: "L~ Lucky."

Carmelita: "Okay Ashla, Lucky," Carmelita looked at Ashla with mild hostility, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ROYCE?!" With Carmelita raising her voice at the Siamese Cat Captain, this resulted in Ashla looking away from Carmelita. Not getting anything from Ashla, she decided to talk to Royce, "I'm uh, I'm going to go talk to Royce..." she then turns her attention from Ashla and towards Royce with Lucky unknowingly following her present day descendant close-by, "Royce, are you okay?"

Lucky: "Your Friend is not okay." This confused Carmelita, "he is in a non-responsive death-state."

Carmelita: "What do you mean by a non-responsive death-stare?"

Lucky: "Watch me, but first hold my hand," this resulted in Carmelita looking at Lucky with concern, "If what mom says is true then please hold my hand future Ancestor." Lucky tells Carmelita as Carmelita Fox holds onto Lucky's palm before Lucky touches Royce's head as the two were taken into his mind.

Royce's Mentality: "Halt! Who are you, what are you doing here?!" Royce's Mentality frailly says towards the two Vixens resulting in Carmelita raising her hands in surrender, "YOU, Lucky, hands up now!" Pointing her pistol at Lucky.

While Royce's Mentality was threatening Lucky, Carmelita observed her surroundings and noticed one object of significant importance.

Carmelita: "Tell me about that picture. Who is that person?"

Royce's Mentality looks towards the picture and sighs before smiling.

Lucky: "What are you doing," Lucky whispered towards her present-day ancestor, "are you trying to get us killed?"

Carmelita: "Stalling, buying us time. Once he is distracted, we jump him."

Royce's Mentality: "That's me in my younger years, before all of this happened," Royce's Mentality saw Carmelita and Lucky and couldn't get out of the way in time resulting in him getting pinned by the Vixens, "Let me go! I swear, if I was younger, I would've dealt with you two!!"

Lucky: "What is he talking about?" She questioned Carmelita not knowing what was about to happen, "tell us why are you in this guys head, and what are you doing here or I will really hurt you!" Lucky threatened Royce's Mentality before applying force to certain pressure points.

Royce's Mentality: "I'm his mind, I live here! I'm the reason or reasons as to why or what he does. I also manage his current and past memories and unfortunately traumatic past included. Anything, well... almost anything, you'll find here, or ask me. But whatever you do, do not, I repeat DO NOT access that vault over in the corner there, if you were to access its contents and memories, you will NEVER look at him the same way ever again! Do I make myself clear?"

Lucky: "Yes sir."

Carmelita: "Actually sir, that's what and why we are here, to figure out as to why Royce all so sudden lashed out and began behaving out of the ordinary."

Royce's Mentality: "So I see. Well then, Ms.Fox why do you think he behaves the way he does?"

Carmelita: "His Autism and Epilepsy?"

Royce's Mentality: "That's only part of it."

Lucky: "I don't understand anything that is going on here." Luck says dumbfoundedly.

Royce's Mentality: "Hush now girl, the adults are talking. The other parts that is affecting his behavior is due to witnessing a highly-violent and damaging event brought upon him and his mother by his step father."

Carmelita: "What did his stepfather do to him and his mother that was so damaging?"

Royce's Mentality: "I'm sorry, I shall not speak any further on this subject; that taboo information will and shall remain behind that vault, it is that dangerous."

Carmelita: "Then what is causing his odd behavior?"

Royce's Mentality: "I believe since he became de-sensitized to violence over time, he did not and I mean never lived in a peaceful home. It was always violence- violence at school and at home, it was nonstop~"

Carmelita: "But what is causing his odd behavior?! This is detrimental to his relationship with his family! Isn't there a cure or something?!"

Royce's Mentality: "No Inspector Fox," he shakes in denial and doubt, "You cannot control PTSD. His mentality, the place I run here, is what helps to run his relationship smoothly with his wife and child. I am constantly reminded that, and yet, every time he sleeps, he has nightmares about a particular traumatic event," Royce's Mentality explained to Lucky and Carmelita, "Does that answer your question about HIS behavior or needing a stupid cure that doesn't even exist?!"

Carmelita: "Royce has PTSD?" She asked him out of surprise and if not concern, "that'd probably explain why he doesn't put up much of a fight against a female unless his family is being threatened."

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