Chapter 30: Rigged

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Bent over, back up against the dirt walls in the bedroom inside the bottom floor of Pogtopia, Quackity chewed on the end of his quill, looking down at the scribbled notes he had before him.

Quackity had moved down into the downstairs bedroom, Tommy and Tubbo assuring him that it would be alright if he slept in Techno's bed. Niki had been sleeping there, and she claimed she didn't mind it, but Quackity knew that he had been taking up Niki's cot for too long, Niki being forced to share a room with the rest of the boys. Plus, he was good enough with his crutches now that he could go up and down the rail-less stairwell with only a small amount of paranoia. Who the hell designed the stairs to be like that? One stumble and he'd fall to his death. Not really though. Even if his wings were clipped, he still believed that he would be able to catch enough air to slow his descent to a non-life threatening level. But it would still hurt.

Whatever the case, Quackity was now in Techno's cot, Techno still missing and Wilbur still as insane as ever. Big Q got why Tommy was so scared of Wilbur now.

Wilbur was not the same man he remembered.

Quackity shivered and pushed back his thoughts. He needed to focus on what he was writing.

He felt sick to his stomach.

This wasn't going to work.

Quackity felt the clock ticking down for him. He needed to get a plan together. He needed to have something to present to Wilbur. Because if he didn't...

Things would go horribly wrong.

It had been three nights ago, but still it replayed in his head, like a ghost haunting his thoughts.

Tommy sat on the stone floor, not feet away from where Quackity sat now in Techno's cot. "Look at me, and I hate to say it," Tommy's words filled the small area, his voice filled with youth and humor despite the serious conversation they were having, "and maybe because I'm a sixteen year child but I know Schlatt thinks you have a..." He coughed, lowering his voice so Niki couldn't hear from wherever she was in the ravine, "F a t a s s- as he repeatedly says."

Wilbur said nothing, instead standing up while Big Q and Tommy sat, his eyebrows scrunched as he was lost in thought.

Quackity tried to ignore Wilbur's draining presence. "Yeah. Yeah I do have a fat ass."

Tommy continued, his hands waving as he talked. "-and I know he might still be done with you as vice president but I know..." Tommy lowered his voice once again, "I know you're still his bitch."

Quackity had to stop himself from itching at his arms. He couldn't anyways, they were still wrapped up in bandages. But it was a tic that he needed to get rid of that happened whenever he was uncomfortable. "Mmmm. Shut the hell up. That's definitely not how it is." He ended with a laugh, trying to keep the conversation light, despite how that had really pressed a nerve.

"Listen listen listen!" Tommy looked up at him, "No no Big Q, here me out. We can use that. He'll still want to meet with you. Like he said, all he did was throw his responsibility on you and Tubbo. You can get Schlatt to meet with us. Can you? Because if you can then I have a plan."

Quackity swallowed hard, not daring himself to look up at Wilbur who was studying him intently. He hadn't said a word this entire conversation. It didn't help what Quackity was trying to do. He was trying to pretend that he was okay, that Schlatt didn't bother him. That he wasn't intimidated by him. That the thought of Schlatt even being near him was enough to make him want to tear these bandages off as he picked at his skin.

"Up until this point.... What is left of me and Schlatt..."

Quackity trailed off. He didn't know what was left of him and Schlatt. Schlatt had literally threatened to kill him, sending his men after him. But he was sure that Schlatt had a soft spot for him. Out of everybody that Schlatt had pushed away, he had always kept Quackity close. He still held what Schlatt had said close to his heart, a different memory that he couldn't afford to waste time on right now.

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