Chapter 28: My L'Manburg

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Warm smells of cooking bread and potatoes filled the little area Niki had for cooking. It was a lot different than cooking in her own home, but she had to think positive. The ravine did make for some pretty sights, the high cavernous walls and ceilings acted like an amphitheater for any noise she made, and it was quite lovely to hear her own humming echoes bounce off the walls and down the seemingly endless cave tunnels. She stood from the campfire, taking what she had finished and wrapping it up in a little handkerchief. She would have to make multiple, some for Tubbo, some for Tommy, and some for Wilbur. Normally Techno and her would cook together, but he hadn't been back since the whole pit fighting thing that he and Tommy had done. Niki hoped Techno wasn't mad at her. She didn't mean to yell at him like that, all she had wanted to do was end the fight.

Niki carried the food down the halls, humming the song stuck in her head as she headed to the dorm room. It was a small little room, made by Wilbur when he realized that the one cot upstairs wasn't going to cut it. He had found a little cave opening on the side of the main hall and made it homier, each boy of the small room having their own little space. They had all decided that Niki could take the cot upstairs, all by herself. And she was grateful for it. Both Tommy and Tubbo were teenage boys still, and there wasn't exactly the best bathing system down in Pogtopia.

Niki pulled away the makeshift curtain that separated the two rooms, knocking on the stone to signal her arrival.

"Niki!" Tubbo sat in his own personal cot, the first one to the right. It was midnight, and Tubbo should've been sleeping, but his sleep schedule was messed up by the weird times he was starting to sleep at. Tubbo's sleep was chosen at very erratic times and he had started to sleep a lot lately. He just spent more time in his bed. Niki guessed it made sense, his body still trying to recover from the festival. Tubbo had said that he was just getting tired faster, and he was constantly getting headaches from straining his ears to try to hear things. He definitely had permanent damage with his ears, something that once they were in a hopefully better place Niki could take him to a proper healer and get him fixed up. Niki felt a bit guilty. Niki was a healer, but she was a self taught one. She didn't even know any spells, she just had a natural talent for knowing what to do and how to make comfort food. If only she was a proper healer, maybe Tubbo wouldn't have such permanent injuries. Maybe he wouldn't have the scar. Maybe he wouldn't be having these hearing problems. But Niki had been enough to keep Tubbo from dying. So she guessed it was enough. His broken arm was still in a sling, and his scar had finally started to heal to the point where she didn't need to be worrying about running out of healing potions. The scar was impressive, a starburst pattern from the center of his chest, the explosion mapped out on his skin. It was huge, snaking up his neck and onto the left side of his chin. The opposite side that Tommy had his scar from his Dream duel.

"Tonight's midnight special~" Niki said with a bit of sarcastic flourish, "My famous bread and potatoes."

"Thank you, Niki." Tubbo reached out, grabbing the bundle from her hands. "Smells delicious."

Niki smiled, turning to leave again. She knew Tubbo had often been waking from nightmares recently, as has Wilbur and Tommy. Technoblade was the only person who could sleep through the night like a brick, ignoring anybody screaming in the middle of the night. It had gotten so bad for Wilbur that he often just took his blankets and slept on the floor by Niki. Niki was really good at calming people down. She just wanted to help any way she could. So, she had started to prepare food for midnight right before she went to bed, so anybody who woke up wouldn't have to head back to bed with an empty stomach. She may not be the best healer, but she knew how to make comfort food. Wilbur insisted it was magic. Insisted that she must sub-consciously be able to make food that heals people. But Niki didn't know. She just liked making food for other people. And Wilbur- Niki didn't know if she should take everything he was saying right now seriously. But she kept making food. She had almost forgotten tonight, having stayed up late to read her book. She had looked up and noticed the time, barely having enough time to prepare before it was already midnight.

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