Chapter 35: Traitor

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Wilbur stood, arms crossed as the glowing lanterns provided them light in the darkness outside. He was lost in his thoughts. He needed to think of something. He needed to come up with a plan. Because it was his job to protect everybody. It had always been his job. He needed to protect his nation.

"Eret and Wilbur, and the rest of L'Manburg. We are at war. There is no mercy. We have burnt down Tubbo's house. We have cannons lined up on your walls, and we have shot one warning shot inside your walls. We have no mercy. NO MERCY for you! We will burn down your houses, we will kill everything inside your walls, if you don't surrender. I want to see white flags! White flags outside your walls, or your dead!"

Those were the words.

Those were the parting words that Eret and Wilbur had left with.

Eret stood across from him, his tinted glasses not giving away anything in his eyes. Wilbur couldn't tell what he was thinking. Crickets chirped and fireflies flew about in the distance as Eret drew his cloak around him closer, nobody to see them except the three boys that had been told to go wait in the van.

Eret's deep voice broke the silence. "We need to go talk to the boys."

"I know. I know." Wilbur gritted his teeth. "But- let's think about this." Wilbur started walking around, needing to move. He needed to think. The message, it was clear. But something about the way Dream was going about this whole thing... it felt wrong. It felt like he was avoiding something. "Why hasn't Dream brought soldiers down? Why is it him and his two right hand men? Doesn't he have a kingdom to run?"

Eret frowned, looking to the arrow that had pierced the windshield of their van, the warning shot. "I- I don't know. He's a psychopath."

Wilbur's nerves were strung. He knew something was up. "Really? Really Eret? That's what you're going to chalk it up to?" Wilbur looked over the walls, out into the kingdom that was threatening their progress. "Dream- he's not crazy. He knows something. Something we don't. I just- We need to think."

Eret followed Wilbur's gaze. "I don't know- I think you're reading too much into it."

Wilbur couldn't help the feeling of frustration from coming over him. He needed Eret to be working with him right now. "Why are you writing this off? You are so fucking smart Eret, you've worked in politics before. You've been in the fray with Dream and his colleagues. Common, use that brain of yours. Why would a man with power like him not send soldiers down here?"

"Maybe... maybe it's to make a point."

Wilbur's heart raced, his mind running even faster. "Now, that's what I was thinking too. But... couldn't he make a point just by annihilating us off the map as well? Also, who is he making a point to? There is no audience here. That's why- I think.... It all connects to the audience."

Eret reached up and adjusted the slim golden circlet he wore, the one embedded with small delicate jewels with each one a different color of the rainbow. "How so?"

"The audience.... Dream's people.... They're still divided from the great crumbling from his parents. You've told me about it." Wilbur rambled, trying to remember everything him and Eret had discussed over their months of working together.

"Yes. That's correct."

"...What if... what if Dream doesn't want an audience?" Wilbur tried putting the pieces together.

Eret looked at him, seemingly meeting him in the eyes. "Why wouldn't he?"

Wilbur smiled, sure he had hit in on the dot. "Think about it Eret. Think about it. If he had an audience watching this small nation of five people fight him and stand a chance, then it might gain traction. It'd be the third civil war in the last 200 years." Wilbur took a step towards Eret, the possibility becoming more and more clear to him. "Dream must desperately be avoiding anything that might spark a revolution. The prospect of a free land and protection would be very appealing to anybody. Imagine if people started to immigrate here. And not only people, passionate, blood thirsty people wanting to bring down Dream. People who despised what he is doing. It'd be a revolution. Dream has been for his entire reign reclaiming land that has been autonomous. Surely he's pissed off a good handful of people. It all makes sense now-"

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