Chapter 44: Room of Reflection

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"This is the last time I ever do anything like this."

Sapnap rolled his eyes at George, who was hugging his arms close to his body as they walked out the entrance of the huge impressive pyramid, hurriedness in their steps.

"You were the one that organized the trip." Sapnap accused him half heartedly, getting on his horse. It was the dead of night, sounds of shifting sand blowing in the wind and creaking of mobs in the distance. Sapnap didn't allow himself to fall into a sense of comfort. He knew what was out there. He knew what dangers they faced. But God forbid he make George more anxious, with their last trip going terribly, Dream now stuck in the temple, and their magic numbed for the time being. No, he remained the same, not his stoic bodyguard attitude, but his sarcastic, joking one with George, hopefully taking some edge off his worry. But he was still going to do what he was brought up to do; protect.

Sapnap glanced over at George, who was untying his horse's lead. It looked like if he was to hold his muscles any tighter, they'd just snap from the tension. Clearing his throat, Sap tried to comfort him. "Hey. Dream's going to be alright. Nothing bad is going to happen."

George glanced up at him, a slight glow of the reflected glow stone bouncing off the side of his face and glasses, allowing Sapnap to see his worried face. "I- what if my trip is what gets him killed? What if my idea to save him ends up being the one to destroy him?"

"It won't, promise." Sapnap gave him a reassuring smile. "You've never seen Dream go full power mode. It's a sight to see. And Techno is there as well, and I hate to say it but I think Techno could even be better than Dream. The two most powerful people possible in the overworld are down there, with or without magic, they'll be fine." His words didn't seem to calm George one bit, but he nodded like he understood. "However, they do need an exit, so let's just get them this TNT and get back as fast as possible."

"Okay. Okay." He let out a big sigh, before jumping on his steed as well. The two took off at a nice gallop, their horse clops thudding on sandstone as they left the giant pyramid temple, before the steps slowly turned softer as they trudged through sand. Wind whipped at their hair, but Sapnap was constantly squinting, trying to look in the darkness, to look for the one thing he was most worried for.

The sphinxes.

With Dream, they'd be fine. With Techno, they'd be fine. With one sphinx, they'd be fine.

It was the horde that he was worried for.

George was already worried about Dream. Granted, Sap was too, but their immediate danger was something he didn't share his concern about with his counterpart. He was sure George knew, but on the off case he forgot he wasn't going to freak him out.

It was hard to survey the lands, the jostle of the horse underneath him, the sand blowing in their faces, the speed at which they were traveling. But Sapnap wasn't the King's personal bodyguard for nothing. He wasn't normal. A normal soldier probably wouldn't have seen it. A normal soldier probably wouldn't even be aware. And a normal soldier definitely wouldn't have reacted as fast as Sapnap did, fast enough to think and jump off his horse, to grab the man who was riding side by side with him, the two painfully falling onto the sand ground, eyes closed tight, as a shirll neigh from the horse George was just riding hit the air, the steed pummeled by a giant mass of muscle and fur, the sounds of claws tearing flesh as Sapnap stumbled to his feet as fast as he could, standing over a dazed George, his sword drawn.

In the darkness, Sapnap yelled his spell, a flash of light illuminating from his amulet, the area flickering in a fiery red glow for a brief second like a lightning flash, casting five long shadows across the sandy dunes.

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