Chapter 21: The Mask

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Snow was viciously falling from the sky. It swirled around them like it was trying to break Sapnap's protective bubble around them, like it was trying to get to them. From as far as the eye could see, the expanse in front of them was just a void of white. Dream had never been in such a storm before. Luckily, Sapnap was holding strong, constantly battling against the freezing cold, the spell being repeated so many times that Dream could probably recite it if he needed to. Dream looked at Sapnap and George, worried. They sat on the horse, Dream walking and leading through the snow, letting Sapnap have the horse so he could focus on not only keeping George warm, but also focus more on the constant spell that was draining his energy.

It was only one more day until they should be out of the Arctic.

That's what Dream was repeating again and again, trying to calm his nerves.

That's what he needed to do.

Because George wasn't getting better.

Sapnap was heating himself up the most he could, Dream could practically feel the burning even a couple feet away. But it wasn't doing anything. George still shivered, wrapped up in all the layers they could spare. His lips were blue, his fingers were blue, and all he did was sleep.

One more day. One more day and they could get help.

Dream had been thinking hard about what was wrong with him. At first he thought it had to be the witch's attack. It had to be. But Dream had taken care of the witch even without using any magic, his pet peeve of avoiding magic not needing to be broken. He had literally just rushed her and cut her down before she had another chance to strike.

She hadn't been that strong.

But George was still freezing to death.

He decided that it couldn't have been the witch. No way she was powerful enough to make the effects of her magic last so long. It must be George.

George must've accidentally channeled the magic wrong in his panic when he first got attacked.

Dream gritted his teeth, coming to this conclusion. Yes. That's the only thing that made sense. It couldn't be anything else. But that made things a lot harder. Because they had already tried to get George to align with Sapnap's magic.

He hadn't been able to do it.

The only ways they knew to get George's magic to fix itself were going to be hard. They either...

One, wait it out. But they couldn't really do that. George would freeze to death before that.

Two, get him to change his alignment, something that George had already tried to do and failed.

Three, get somebody who could cancel other magic to shut George down.

All of those were going to be near impossible to do. What they needed was time. And they were running out fast. Dream couldn't live with himself if he was the reason George died. 

"How's he doing Sapnap?" Dream called back to them, taking a break from all the thinking.

"He's- I've managed to keep him from getting frostbite, but that's about it."


Dream was going to have to think of something, and fast.

"Sap," Dream tried bouncing an idea that he had off of him, "Do you think if you just like... attacked him would his body automatically defend itself and try to align to your powers?"

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