Chapter 39: Bloody Handprints

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Following Fundy into the dark, it was almost easy to forget just how dire of a situation this was. He would never say it to the fox, but he had missed his pranks and the liveliness that he brought to family gatherings. Sure, Tommy's true partner in crime would always be Tubbo, but that didn't mean when Fundy switched sides it didn't hurt. Obviously it hurt Wilbur a lot more than himself, but now he didn't hold any resentment. He forgave Fundy. At least, at the moment. He was more focused on Quackity than anything.

And that's where he's brought back to reality. They're not sneaking in the foggy night because they're going off to try some crazy redstone prank that Fundy and Tubbo had set up together or to go steal stuff from some unsuspecting Dreamland upper class, they were sneaking because they were being hunted like well... foxes and hounds. And Quackity... Tommy felt a bit of bitterness towards Wilbur for what he had said to Quackity. Tommy trusted Wilbur. He was his big brother. He knew what was for the better. But Tommy was starting to think that maybe only most of the time. Quackity definitely didn't deserve the shit that Wilbur said to him, especially after he stuck his neck out for Pogtopia. And now... it would be his fault if Quackity was hurt. Because he was supposed to be protecting him. He was his last defense. And here he was, relying on Fundy who he didn't even know was going to be here to help him get out of the prison that Tommy failed to keep him out of. The prison they were coming up on now.

"Watcha see, fox eyes?" Tommy whispered, only able to see Fundy's hunched over back as he snuck low and close to the roof, his ears twitching as he listened with his enhanced hearing to scout what was happening. It reminded him of Techno, who had gotten the best end of the parents genetics when it came to enhancements. Tommy didn't know if he forgave Techno, he was still his brother, but he was also still mad as hell. Even thinking about him was enough to start lighting the fire in his stomach. Hell, he still had some fading bruises from the pit; he had chosen to heal naturally opposed to using potions so that Tubbo didn't risk running out.

"The guards," Fundy whispered, his voice quiet, "The plan is working. They're all yelling to move to the Presidential suit. I think maybe..." He took a deep breath, one of his ears rotating like a satellite dish as it caught more words. "I think maybe five are staying." Fundy turned away, his sharp Wilbur like teeth in his smile. "We can take five guys, right?"

Tommy laughed, drawing his golden sword. "Two v. five? Not even a fair fight."

Fundy nodded, building off of Tommy's cockiness. "Would you like to do the honors?" He held out the button that he had rigged, the button that would trigger all the redstone boxes to malfunction; to shut down the power in the prison and allow Fundy's key card to work.

Tommy stood on the building roof, leaning slightly to keep his balance. He looked down at Manburg's small prison, the thing way less than impressive but still dangerous. And Quackity was inside. They had already wasted too much time. Tommy could barely see in the dark, but he trusted Fundy's judgment. Five men. They could take five men. Tommy had fought Techno in sparring and even in the pit, and Tommy would say that Techno was worth at least ten men. So what was half of that?

"I would love to do the honors."

Tommy pressed the button, and immediately he could hear the confused yelling from down below.





"Sounds like our cue." Fundy nodded at Tommy, before swinging his double bladed axe off his back. The weapons itself wasn't very long, but the bladed section was wider and bigger than either of their heads. The weapon glowed slightly with enchantments, but what was the most worrying was the weird wires that came and sprouted from the handle, like a mixed mess of Frankenstein redstone kept together with zip ties. Tommy was too afraid to ask what exactly the wires were supposed to do, but Fundy had assured him he was proficient with the weapon that Tommy didn't remember him having. Agile and fast, Fundy leapt off the roof without a second thought, leaving Tommy grumbling about him having to climb down without Fundy's enhanced lading skills. Fundy waited for him at the bottom as he dropped down from the window he had managed to climb down to, a bit of pressure knocking his ankles as he landed on the ground.

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