Chapter 10: Chess

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Tommy knew he wasn't supposed to be bothering Toby.

Philza had forbade him from doing so.

"The poor kid just came back from the Nether." Philza bent over, talking to Tommy in hushed tones. "He's hurt. Just-" Philza caught himself, knowing anything he said would probably be ignored. "Be gentle, alright?"

Toby was sleeping in dad's room as of now, the child having severe separation anxiety from the person who had found him. But dad was taking a break to give some time to Wilbur... Well, what dad didn't know couldn't hurt him. Walking up the stairs, he turned the corner to where dad's room was.

Like a deer caught in the headlights, Tommy froze.

Technoblade was slowly closing their father's room door, stuff in his arms. Looking closer, Tommy saw that he had some of Dad's old adventuring gear. Technoblade's breath caught in his throat when they made eye contact, hand frozen on the door handle, unable to move in fear.

Tommy cleared his throat. "That's Dad's stuff."

Technoblade hugged the dangerous items closer to him. "And you are going in his room to bother Toby."

Tommy narrowed his eyes.



Technoblade carefully walked past Tommy, leaving lots of room between them when he passed. Tommy watched Technoblade look down stairs before carefully sneaking away. He wondered where he was going to hide the stuff.

Tommy shook of the weird encounter, instead tiptoeing closer to the closed door. Tommy smiled in anticipation before slowly opening it a crack.

"Hellllooooo~" Tommy whispered into the room.

He heard no reply.

"Alright~ I'm coming innnnnnnn." Tommy opened to door more.

Inside, the room was dark, like Toby was actually sleeping. Tommy couldn't believe it. This kid actually took naps instead of just messing around when he was supposed to be sleeping. On the bed was a lump of blankets and Tommy stalked the lump as he snuck across the room.

"I'm going to get youuuuuu~" Tommy laughed as he jumped up on the bed. He shook the blankets gently.


Tommy felt a sharp pain in his face, and his eyes watered as he pulled his face back. He opened his eyes to see Toby shaking and falling off the bed.

The kid... hit him.

Oops. Tommy rubbed his face. THIS must be why dad said not to bother him.

"Hey. It's alright." Tommy bounced on the bed, crawling to see where Toby had fallen off to.

It was weird, the kid not being able to talk back to him. Tommy kind of liked it. It made him feel like he was the bigger man for once.

When Toby didn't do anything but sit there frozen, Tommy continued to rattle on. "It was a pretty good hit. A real solid smack. I can't believe you can hit like that with those skinny arms of yours." Tommy laughed at his own joke. "Not like I'm one to talk. I- for sure- have MASSIVE MUSCLES!" Tommy flexed his own stick arms, laughing his head off. Below him on the ground, Toby started to relax. Not a lot, but enough to try to climb back into the bed and burrow under the blankets again.

"Ey! Where are you going?" Tommy tried to pull the blankets back off of him, but Toby held on tight. So, instead of trying to pull the blankets off, he decided to burrow under with him. Plunging into the soft darkness, he giggled as he went under. He could barely see Toby under the blankets, so he reached out to touch him. Toby flinched at his finger tips.

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