Chapter 46: First Blood

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The group, Niki, Quackity, Fundy, Tubbo, Tommy, and Wilbur all followed Techno, leaving the army behind to.continue the March with reassurance by Eret that they’d be fine until they got back and reassurance by the group they'd manage to catch back up. 

Techno knew this feeling.

It was the same feeling he got whenever he was adventuring something dangerous. 

The first time he went out alone.

The first time he entered the arctic. 

The first time he entered the ice fortress. 

It was the uncontrolled energy spiking through his veins, anticinary excitement lighting him up from the inside as the voices in the back of his head slowly fanned the flames. 

Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood.

Oh, and he planned on giving them what they wanted. 

Standing in front of the waterfall, he could tell that their group was somewhat confused. He had just taken them to the middle of nowhere, promising a big base. 

“I don’t see anything.” Tommy yelled at Techno, over the fall of the crashing water. 

“Of course you don’t.” Techno rolled his eyes. “Otherwise it wouldn’t be a secret base.” Techno rolled up his sleeves, getting ready to show them what he had been spending so much time on. What he had been doing while he was kicked out of Pogtopia. 

“You might want to stand back.” 

Out of the Arctic, Techno had hit a learning curve. He had definitely lost a lot of control he had on his magic, but to compensate he started to rely more on spells and scrolls. It wasn’t the same as the pure godly magic he was used to, and wasn’t nearly as flexible, versatile, or powerful as his other magic had been, but unless he wanted to lose both of his arms to frostbite he needed to be careful with how much godly magic he used. So, standing in front of the waterfall, he drew a blue glowing rune in the air carefully, aware that he was being watched. 

Magic needed control. Mental control, physical control, bodily control, and hard solid resolve. 

He held his breath, before pushing the rune forward, the icy blue magic exploding in front of him, crackling as it hit the water. The waterfall began to freeze midair, ice snaking up in spikes like spider webs, a howling wind of cold air replacing the sound of the previously running water. Mist filled the area, but as quickly as it started it was done, a path of ice snaking across the river and the frozen waterfall open in the center, leading down a man made tunnel. 

He couldn’t help but be a little pleased with all the noises of wonder, Wilbur’s smile as he walked forward across the ice, not slipping in the slightest as he walked across the frozen water, fog rising from the ice. 

“You can walk across. It’s safe.” He called over his shoulder, watching his group stand in awe at the bank. 

Wilbur was the first one to follow, relaxed and confident as he walked behind Techno, not slipping in the slightest. The rest followed suit, a bit less confident and with a bit more trouble. 

“Holy shit dude that’s crazy.” Quackity said, almost slipping and reaching out to Niki for balance, both of them struggling a bit on the ice. 

“Welcome, to the entrance to my secret base.” He continued walking, leading them under the frozen waterfall and into the tunnel, walking into the hall that led to a small room, bookshelves against the wall and a small cot in the corner. 

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