Chapter 17: Icescapes

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Technoblade sat in his ice fortress, watching the idiots approach his base thinking they were going to sneak up on him.

Little did they know, Techno was the god of this land.

Technoblade had done tons of things in preparation of trying to take the number one spot in adventuring. But, the more he looked into things, the more he realized what he could be doing.

Some things, like the big three tournaments, (Overall warrior, overall magic fighter, and overall adventurer) were things that people took into serious consideration, looking at all achievements such as things that happened outside of the competition and things that happened in the deadly tournaments in the arena.

And when he said deadly, he meant deadly

So while Technoblade had been wracking up major adventurer points by exploring the Arctic, he was also preparing for the huge arena tournament that happens every five years. Too bad they had missed the first tournament. It'd be another four years until either Dream or Technoblade could officially claim the spot of first place adventurer.

But the scouting prospects had put them tied for first as their future prediction.

Technoblade didn't know how the public was reacting- he was very much isolated in a very dangerous place. But he definitely knew that the media would push this story so hard. Everyone loves to see two children go head to head trying to kill each other. It was quality entertainment.

But yeah. As well as trying to place first for the adventurer title, he was also preparing for a lot of small obscure things that most people overlooked. And by most people he meant the press. These small tournaments were the types that only had a top ten winners instead of the top 50 like the big main three games had, and in turn not many people tried out for them. There were things a bit more popular like archery, or enchanting, (a position that his father had held seventh in for the entire time he was alive) but then again there were things really obscure like map making and farming.

One of the things he was trying hard to qualify for was a category called specified magic, which was a load easier to qualify in than trying to get in the big overarching magic combat tournament.

Magic could be broken down into types... well, people tried to break them down into types. In actuality, a person could span over several different types and not even fit into one singular category. But for the sake of the tournament, you just went into the one that was closest to your style.

Technoblade's natural magical alignment was definitely a brute/nature base. Something very generic and common, but if done right was a versatile tool that could be used in practically any situation.

Then why was he in an ice castle, using ice magic, worshiping the ice gods? You may ask.

Well, for one point it was way easier to score high in the ice category than any fighting type or nature magic. Those types came a dime a dozen. Ice was much more unique and specialized, and stood out a lot more. And had a lot less competition.

Two, in specified magic you didn't have to do any dangerous combat. In the end, the top three have a three way duel, but you can pull out at any time. The big magical combat tournament you had to be physically unable to continue and the judges call the end. People have actually died during the fights. But for specified magic, it was just the ending combat and a lot of magical tasks, puzzles, and tests that are seen as sort of a opener for the more exciting fights to the deaths. It was the kind of thing that parents would take their kids to see, then leave once the real fighting began. 

Three, it had been kinda forced upon him. He had entered the ice castle, drawn in by the magical aura and power radiating from this area, and immediately had something very strange happen to him, something that was a story for another time. Long story short, he ended up with a spirit latched onto him, giving him nearly invincible powers in the icy tundra, with the small catch that the spirit had to stay latched to him and he had to stay inside the fortress.

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