Chapter 20: Fallen God

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Ice formed at his fingertips, and Technoblade thought for a second, he had finally got it. The crystals were forming just above his hand, just like he was envisioning. He focused harder concentrating on making sure he controlled every aspect of it. Sweat beaded on his forehead.

He was so close.

The concentration, despite how hard he tried, could only hold the power for so long. The ice crystals started to get closer to his hand, but Technoblade wouldn't back down.

He was so close.

Hissing, Technoblade threw his hand into the steaming water he sat by, the precaution he had to take. He couldn't get it right- he couldn't stop the ice crystals from touching his hand and almost immediately causing freeze burns. No matter how hard he focused, no matter how hard he tried- he couldn't get it.

His left hand was shot. He had started with his non-sword hand first, thinking maybe he would have that be his magic hand. He had tried to form ice without any way to warm up his hand afterwards, and had paid the price. He had watched in horror, no way to stop the blueing in his hand and the pain that felt so much like burning that eventually made it numb. The ice started to snake up his arm, and in a panic Technoblade had considered that maybe he would have to cut off his arm. But when he had run out of his inn room, a maid had been carrying a bucket of hot water to draw up somebody's bath. Poor lady screamed in shock when he, still wearing his very unsettling mask, jumped at her and threw his arm into the boiling water, splashing it all over the hallway.

She had screamed and ran away, leaving him with his throbbing arm and the bucket.

It was a fun story to explain to the innkeeper.

This ice magic thing was a lot harder to get when he didn't have a spirit in his body stopping him from dying every time he used it. At least he didn't have to constantly keep his guard up to stop from getting body snatched. 

Technoblade didn't know what to do. He had left the ice fortress, sure he had spent enough time there. Any more time and he feels like he would've become too dependent on the leech's power, and he couldn't have survived much longer resisting the spirit from taking over his body. The ice gods weren't very happy, and Technoblade had to fight his way out, but he had managed to get away with enough energy to carry him and his wounded body to the nearest snowy village.

It was weird, going from being practically a god in one second to being basically back at square one.

No, Technoblade scolded himself, not at square one.

Technoblade had managed to change his magical alignment from a nature alignment to ice.

Which was a big deal.

Changing magical alignment was something that only professionals managed to do, and only then just a select few could manage to do it safely. The fact that Technoblade had managed to do that at all-

It was a huge feat.

But Technoblade had just met Dream. He was already in the big leagues. He couldn't fall behind now.

He had to get a hold of this new power.

Preferably fast.

Preferably before he saw Dream next.

Technoblade shift through his knowledge, trying to think of anything he may have learned that could help him. Anything that the spirit had said, anything from the dead gods, anything he had read at the fortress' library, anything his dad had said.

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