Chapter 6: 15 Minutes

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Technoblade hadn't had time in a while to call back to home. After months of radio silence trapped in the dead zone called the Arctic, Techno had finally left  the ice fortress that he was exploring and decided to head back home, well, less back home and more just away from the Arctic. Techno had meant to call back home, but calling home also required a certain amount of power.  Techno had, just a week ago, more than enough power to call home without finding a power enhancer. Unfortunately, he had given up the power... he had yet to see if whether or not that had been a good idea. But no matter what the excuse was, it had been too long since he had seen his family. 

He felt kind of bad about it. But in his heart, Techno was a loner. He didn't mind nights by himself, on the road with nothing but his horses and sword on his back. But tonight was a night that he could make an unexpected call back home, before the previously set deadline he had for himself. He had just so happened to pass through a witch camp with an altar that if it snowed when there was a lunar eclipse and you sacrificed blood on the stone altar, you could amplify your power for the next hour or so. He was pretty lucky all those things had lined up for him the day he was just passing through to get some enchantments. 

Techno had no problem thinking of something for a blood sacrifice, and after a day of enchanting his armor at the camp he was ready to slice open the backside of his arm. He barely felt the pain, smiling as he thought of seeing his family's faces again. By God, it had been so long.

He pulled on his magic, chanting the spell silently in his head, bloody arm held out. The call vibrated the ground under his feet, and the spell reacted as an ice blue beacon erupted from the tip of the pillar, shooting straight into the morning sky.

He waited a bit, tapping his hoof slightly in anticipation. What would he say?

After standing there for two minutes, the warm blood slowly dripping a bit slower, Techno got a bit mad at himself for getting his hopes up. He frowned to himself, about to turn around when he heard a slight ice clicking noise and before him he saw an illusion, a small window like portal that let him see to the other side that was made of frosted ice.


Technoblade grinned to himself, almost being physically taken aback from the sheer force behind this kid's voice. "Heeellooo~." He said considerably softer than Tommy.

Tommy was wearing a uniform, something that he wasn't last time he had talked to them. He also seemed to be maybe an inch taller, something that made Technoblade sweat a bit. There would be no way he would let Tommy be taller than him.

A voice off the screen was picked up. "Hello!"

Techno waved to Tubbo's voice, wondering if he was just off screen. "How are you guys doing?"

"Pretty good!" Tubbo answered.

Tommy scrunched his face in concentration, obviously thinking hard. "Yo!" Tommy leaned closer to the window. "Is that- Why the hell are you covered in blood?"

"Ah this?" He looked down at himself and was considerably surprised by how much he had gotten on him. Guess he had gotten carried away. "Blood sacrifices. Ya know? Blood for the blood gods."

He heard Tubbo off screen. "Nice."

Techno smiled, before lifting off the mask that he had taken a liking to wear. He had been told time and time again by nosy strangers to take off his mask when he is talking to people. In the past, he had ignored them, saying how he didn't want to talk with them in the first place. But he supposed he would take it off to talk to his family. His long pink hair flopped into his eyes, and he saw Tommy gasp.

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