Chapter 45: Foolish God

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"Once upon a time, there was a world that was perfect.

There were no spots, no blemishes, no imperfections. Everything was static, still, like a snow globe.

It may have been perfect, but it wasn't right.

Prime, the queen of the universe, grew bored of her perfect domain. The thing is, Prime was all alone with the emptiness, and after millennias of being by herself, she made a decision. 

She wanted children.

Her first children were the rest of the Primordial gods, save two who appear later. She created Sol first, who, when created, was not known as Mother Nature yet. She had no overworld to preside over. In fact, there was nothing except empty space, Prime, and Sol. And they were happy.

But Sol was not like Prime. She was young and impatient, and soon she grew bored.

Prime, sensing Sol's distress, created a friend for her, Mer, the god of all oceans and waters. They got along well, but they were not like Prime. They were new and confused. So Prime tried creating heavenly realms for them to play in, the angelic realm and the demonic realm between the overworld space, but they rejected them. The realms didn't feel right, it wasn't theirs, so Prime tried making another two friends, Fue and Vent, fire and air to give them company, yet the two ran into the same problems. So, Prime asked what would make them happy.

"You have all these powers, yet we are powerless and at your whim." They answered. "We want our own domain, we want our own plans and choices and free will!"

Prime never considered this. It makes sense, she had made these children in her image, yet she hadn't given them any of her power. She agreed, granting them powers of their own, embedding them with strength and magic from the veins of Prime herself. 

Sol was filled with power, and it attached to her personality. Sol was strong, sturdy, but most importantly took after her mother the most. She, with her newfound powers, created the infinite lands. The lands that stretch on and on and on. We don't know where it stops. We don't know if it stops. We, from what we know, have our limited space, big but limited by the ocean wall in the south and the Arctic ring in the north. Neither have been passed before, everyone who has tried has died, except big brother Techno who's exploring the Arctic right now."

Wilbur looked down at his lap, where his little baby fox sat in his lap, his eyes slowly closing as they sat in the ancient relic. Their home. Tommy and Tubbo also sat in the Camarvan, slowly falling asleep too. 

The Camarvan was mostly what led Wilbur to want to settle here. It drew his attention as he stumbled upon it in the wilderness, and immediately he was intrigued. It looked to be an abandoned redstone project, lots of redstone and mechanical parts in the front of the van, in the little box with the metal hood that popped up, but they had no idea what any of it did. It had wheels, like a caravan, but nothing to lead it, like a vehicle led by magic. Wilbur at first was enjoying researching what it was, but now, he was more focused on defending it and the land it was on for the time being. 

Wilbur ran his hands through Fundy's hair, pausing to scratch just behind his fox ears, enjoying the soft quietness of the night. Candlelight was all that they used, Eret out patrolling the borders for possible attackers. Thank the gods Wilbur wasn't the only adult anymore, back when he'd tell the story to Tommy and Tubbo, clearly too old to be that excited for Wilbur to tell them stories but they all needed a bit of lighthearted childhood now and then, especially with all they were dealing with now. 

Will looked over to where Tommy, bright eyed and big smiled Tommy curled up on one of the cots in the small place, Tubbo's head in his lap. The Camarvan definitely wasn't made for a potion lab and a sleeping quarters for five, but they made it work. Eret liked to sleep in the chairs up in front, Tommy and Tubbo had hammocks in the middle area where they were now, and Wilbur and Eret had built an addition for Wilbur and Fundy, which leaned up against the van like a bump on it. Wilbur wasn't ready to walk back outside and carry his Fundy back to his bed, so he cleared his throat, and continued the story. 

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