Chapter 26: Council

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Dream was adjusting his suit, hands shaking slightly. He never usually dressed this nice. It was somewhat an act of rebellion, wearing normal clothes like his hoodie that most nobles were appalled by. It was one of the few acts of defiance he was actually allowed to get away with, despite the tight reins that his parents tried to wrap around him. He sighed in frustration as he couldn't buckle the royal armor on correctly. The metal was an intricate piece of light armor, slight carvings embedded into the silver. The suit itself complemented the armor perfectly, the whole outfit looking natural together as layers of fabric surrounded the traditional ceremonial pieces. A high collar gave Dream some comfort; him not used to not having the usual weight of his hood not on his shoulders.

"Need some help with that?" Sapnap came from behind, the reflection in the mirror coming up on his back.

"Ugh. Yeah." He grumbled, defeated. When he was younger, he had maids, but by the time he had hit puberty he said no thank you to that. It was something he had to fight his parents on, but he got away with it by promising to do whatever they asked him to do and not skip his tutoring classes. It sucked, but it was worth it. But that also meant that when he did have to dress up for whatever reason, he had to do it all by himself. And some of the outfits he wore got complicated. Lucky for him, he always had Sapnap.

Sapnap was good with all the rules and regulations. Sure, Dream had gotten the best instructors and the best tutors, but Sapnap went through the hardest and strictest training that a soldier could possibly go through. When Dream was learning politics at age ten, Sapnap was learning how to saddle a horse in war armor and how to kill somebody with a well placed crossbow shot. Dream didn't see that side of him that much, most of the time when they were in private he relaxes considerably like when they were kids, young and running around in the courtyard, Dream's nanny yelling at them to get their asses back inside and them defiantly running and hiding like it was some sort of game. That was such a long time ago. And that carefree Sapnap was the Sapnap Dream saw most of the time. But he could switch on a dime, and definitely knew how to do all the little gritty details like how to put on this stupid ceremonial armor correctly. He probably had to even do drills over it, probably getting cleaning duty if one thing was out of place. Dream had sat in on the soldier training sessions. Those things were wack. It might be just as crazy what his parents expected of him. He had to give props to Sapnap.

"Thanks." He mumbled, dreading the conversation he was about to have with his parents.

He still heard the last confrontation in his head.

"We are having guests over. We will be addressing something important. Please don't come dressed in your ridiculous commoner clothes. One more step out of line-"

"Hey" Sapnap broke him from his trance, "Do you need your mask? Your looking a bit stressed."

Dream tried to relax, glad he had Sapnap always there watching out for him. "Yeah. Yeah probably."

Sapnap wordlessly reached over the counter to where his mask was lying. Dream had gotten better and better at having it off, finding it easier to just chill with Sapnap, but stress from his parents were making him come close to snapping back to when things were like before... before he had gotten a better hold on his condition. Dream took it graciously, slipping it on just as the doors open.

"Oh my~" the familiar voice said. "Boy do you look stiff as a board." His sister teased him, standing in the open door frame. His sister wore a short and detailed dress, layers of green colored fabric like their national flag. She had a elegant cape that flowed behind her like a sheer bridal train, the tips just barely billowing just above the floor. And on her chest she wore an custom tailored armor plate and silver arm guards detailed just like Dream's.

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