Chapter 36: Drown

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-Author's note-

I feel like this is a good time to remind everybody that these are characters and not the content creators. Also, this chapter's a little spicy. No NSFW but maybe a bit uncomfortable for people who don't like shipping. But this is a chapter that I spent a TON of time on and when I was debating whether or not to have it in I decided it was too much work to waste. Also, I think it brings some good insight on some of Schlatt's manipulation tendencies and also had some world building. Also, like... Quackity's my fav character pov to write from. So I can't deny you guys a Quackity chapter. Love y'all, have a good day <3

It was early in the morning. Early enough that the birds were still chirping outside the window on the late summer's dawn, the sound of nature's song being drowned out by the worker who was droning on and on, listing report after report of data that was collected in Manburg. 

Quackity was good at this. He had listened to lectures before, took good notes, and worked hard. He was focused. And so was Tubbo and Fundy and the handful of other high-ranking executives that sat in the President's office while the weekly report came in.

Quackity usually led the weekly report. First, they would gather information. Everybody would report what was happening in their branch. Then, discussion time. Quackity would lead brainstorming, Schlatt often just sat back silently, deep in thought, taking everything in. It was easy for people to think that Quackity was more in charge than Schlatt in the meetings, but Quackity knew who really was in charge. Being quiet was how Schlatt thought best. He analyzed. He dissected everything that was said. Sure, in less serious situations he was good at filling time with chatter and jokes, and sure, he was quick witted, but the real thinking always happened when he was silent. It was scary whenever he went silent outside of the workroom. The silence was as sharp as the dark look in his eyes, like his gaze was poison daggers. It was as if he was planning to murder everybody in the room and get away with it. But Schlatt's intellect was what made him such a good president. Even if his behavior was- well... questionable at times. Then, once they were done with their light discussion, then the real talk began. Schlatt would take the stand. He would speak quick and bluntly, and his presence demanded the utmost respect. Sometimes he said one or two things. Sometimes he gave a whole speech. Sometimes he said, "that sounds about it," and brought an end to the meeting. But one thing was always constant. The open, lighthearted talking and brainstorming always turned deadly serious when Schlatt took his stand. 

It was impressive. 

He truly commanded this nation. 

It's like he was born for a leadership position. 

The room they were in was slightly split level.  Quackity and Schlatt both sat on the higher level, the area nice and clean, chairs pulled up to a long table that allowed many papers to be spread out across. Then, there was a second lower level on the sides of the room, where the rest of the people sat. And then, the lowest level, where the presenter would stand and present any information they had. It wasn't that drastic of a split, only a couple stairs or so, but it was designed so that the person in the middle could speak and be heard from all parts of the room. It was where the current presenter stood, talking about the updates on the resistance monitoring. 

Quackity nodded, sitting forward in his chair scribbling down notes on his clipboard. He was taking in every bit of information. He had always been studious and hardworking, and his job was no exception. 

That's why, when he got the ping on his chat, he was yanked back into the real world like he had woken up from a deep sleep. 

Chat was a new technology that was going around. It was insanely expensive, buggy, and only worked in short distances. But it was still a huge leap in technology. Nothing like this had ever been done before. 

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