Chapter 32: The Start

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As they walked up on foot to the new self declared country, George didn't know what to think. He had advised Dream against this. He had advised him to just stay out of it. But he wasn't listening to him.

It seemed Dream was listening to him less and less these days.

"Are you sure this is the right idea Dream-" George struggled to keep up, Dream walking fast with purposeful strides.

"What? Do you not think that Bad and Drista can hold up the fort while we are gone?" Dream tilted his head, walking effortlessly through the small dirt path that twisted between trees and plants that seemed to cave in on them, the sunlight peaking through the canopy of greenery and lighting the ground in little splotches of light.

"No. I trust them-" George ran up to him in frustration, grabbing Dream's arm in hopes of slowing them down. "You know why I don't want this."

He had been trying to convince him to not pursue this problem the entire trip down.

"Do you not trust me?" Dream stopped walking and looked at George's face. Into his worried eyes behind his white framed glasses.

Sapnap walked to the side, unable to say anything for or against what they were arguing about. He bit his lip, just looking ahead, looking through the tree branches of the land that they were about to fight over.

"I trust that you believe that this is what we have to do! But that's what you believe. Listen, our nation is so large now, we have so much land we have to protect, not to mention that Bad and Drista are dealing with a war on our western border, we have so much to keep track of right now, and you just dropped everything at the flip of a coin to go deal with a self proclaimed nation of FOUR PEOPLE who just so happened to be in your land just a tad." George was flabbergasted at this decision. He had been trying to hide it. But he thought that the actions Dream was taking were absolutely insane.

And after years of training to be on his council, his advisor, his right hand man, George knew Dream wasn't insane. He wasn't. He was just Dream. His best friend.

That's why he didn't understand.

"George, do you know who these people are?" He spoke calm and calculated, his mask revealing nothing as he brushed George's arm off and walked forward.

"What does that have to do with anything?! Its still only four people!"

Dream cleared his throat. "Sapnap, would you care to tell him?"

Sapnap uncomfortably looked to the two fighting, wishing he wasn't in this position. Sapnap was raised to be the perfect soldier. To not question anything his superiors said. But he had also been raised with Dream. As his brother. And Sapnap... he knew a few things that George didn't. He knew that after... after Dream had been forced to take the role of King, he had been a bit more... on edge. But he would always be here for him. Clearing his mind, he  recited the information he memorized. "Eret of Alastair born in Faven. Eret is a strong magic user, channeling the energy of a light deity that has taken his eyes in exchange for power. Preferred weapon, swords. Threat level, strong. Eret has also held a previous government position in Faven, it seems that he does know a lot about running a nation."

"Okay, so one person is qualified to be a threat level-" George gave in a bit, but that didn't mean anything.

"Next, Tubbo. Tubbo, or his real name Toby Watson, is the adopted child of the late adventurer, Philza Minecraft Watson. No magic has manifested yet, but he is still young enough that it could still happen. His preferred weapon is double short swords. Threat level, low."

A child.

A literal child.

George was going to lose his fucking mind. Why did Dream-


"Next, Tommy Watson. The bloodline child of Philza. No magic has manifested yet, but he is a strong and passionate fighter who was taught by both Philza and Technoblade. His preferred weapon is a normal sword, although he is decent with a bow as well. Threat level, medium." Sapnap continued, like Dream had ordered. "Finally, Wilbur Soot Watson, bloodline child of Philza. Wilbur soot is a powerful magic user, but more so in the means of subtle manipulation and through his magic. He worships no deities, but does write spells into songs. For what Wilbur lacks in physical fighting, he makes up in pure intelligence and strategic smarts. His preferred weapon is knives. Threat level, high."

Okay. Sure, these people were a bit more than your average Joe. But it was four people. FOUR. "I don't see what point your trying to make Dream! Two of the four are still children! One of the magic users doesn't even have fighting magic! What is the point- we could be doing other things with our energy. I don't get it-"

"Yeah. You don't get it. You don't see the future George." Dream spoke, seriousness sending chills down George's spine. "I know you care about this nation, but you can only see in the moment."

"What- what are you saying?" He was his advisor. And everything he was saying was being thrown out the window.

Dream sighed. Like he was disappointed with George for not figuring this out himself. "These people, they are Philza's children, people who if they get a following will be put up on a pedestal as heroes, as the second generation of warriors. Wilbur and Eret are both good magic users, but they are also both extremely smart and manipulative. If we don't stop them now, they will find a way to put their names on the map. And Tubbo and Tommy, neither have developed their magic yet?! What are we supposed to do if Tommy becomes Technoblade 2.0? You need to see these children as future war machines George, not just some civilians. These people are a threat to our nation. And they need to be taken care of now."

George swallowed hard. "I- I guess that makes sense in a way. But why do you have to be the one to do it? Why can we just send some men to just completely destroy them?!"

"We don't want them gaining any traction. Any following. They can't have any publicity. I need to take care of this personally. Because even if we send guards in they still will gossip. And if my guards would lose, oh that would be even worse." Dream shook his head slightly, like even the thought was enough to cause him a bit of panic. "We can't have them being treated like they are a real nation, otherwise they will have won."

"Why then- why are we going to negotiate with them?"

"George. It's all in the long game. It's all for the end cause. If you don't see it, I can't make you see it. But that's what this is. This is the setup to the fall of the biggest threat to our land."

They were literally fighting a war already. On the western border. If Dream thought that this truly was the biggest threat...

George's blood chilled. Dream... he was serious about this. All this... he had put so much thought into it. He had been able to see the invisible strings that controlled the world, controlled the way that people perceived their nation, and had managed to understand what nobody else had even noticed yet. It was intimidating. 

It was impressive. 

It was horrifying. 

"And don't you worry, I will make sure they fall."

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