Chapter 37: Escape III

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Philza traveled on the horse he had bought, riding the steed he had affectionately named Allegro Jr.. The path was suspiciously quiet, nothing but the sounds of wildlife around him and the trots of hooves as he passed through the turning fall air. He couldn't get over just how pretty everything was. He had missed this so much, just breathing in the fresh air of the outdoors and challenging himself in the most dangerous place, the wild. Despite how much of a discovery the void or end was or whatever, the memory of the outdoors had become muddled enough for everything to seem brand new. It was the second most thing he missed, other than his boys.

However, he had too much time on his hands to think. Thoughts of how much of life he had missed, conspiracies on exactly what that place was, excitement to find out all the new things that had happened, and the concept of his boys thinking he was dead were flooding his brain every second and plaguing his mind. It was a bit much, but he tried to do his best to just take deep breaths and focus on getting home as fast as possible. He hadn't even slept, except to try to contact Techno again. But he hadn't been able to make a connection, the first night he had connected hadn't even been the first night he was back in the overworld. The night he was able to contact him was the first full moon of the overworld.

He was starting to theorize. Maybe there were multiple places such as the Nether and the End that were different dimensions. And some people naturally drew power from those dimensions, just like how some people drew power from gods. But maybe only a small amount of dimensions have even been discovered yet. And maybe, the overworld in the beginning had no magic whatsoever, but it was the dimensions and the gods who had brought the magic closer to them and introduced their world to it. Or maybe all the dimensions overlap to create the overworld. Or maybe the dimensions are where the gods go when they aren't in the overworld. But whatever it was, Philza thinks that the dimensions work with laws of attraction, like gravity. That some things attract the dimensions more. Like how water users draw strength from tides, how fire users draw strength from the sun, and how lightning users draw energy from storms. Maybe Philza had never experienced his magic except on full moons because the dimension was too far away for the attraction to be strong enough. That would mean dimensions are something like the rotating planets, an invisible solar system, but instead of the sun being the axis the overworld would be the center. And maybe, like the moon, the oval cycle matches up with the moons cycle. And maybe portals were a direct line into other dimensions, like a bridge. After all, nobody knows who built the portals. Then, going off of this theory, the Nether would be the closest dimension, the one easiest to access. But why? Was it by the gods design, or is it pure chance that the closest orbiting dimension is the hot hellscape of fiery land? And how many other dimensions are there? And maybe only certain people can access certain ones? What if supposed 'heaven' and 'hell' are just dimensions that only dead people can access? Surely there has to be exclusive dimensions, based off of Philza's experience. That entire underground operation was working right around that room like it was nothing, surely they would've abused the portal for other things if they knew what they really had. They surely didn't know, and the portal must've not worked for them. But once he got close enough to the portal, something had happened. And now... now he was different. He didn't really know. It was all just theories. And it was making his head hurt.

But yeah. Those first few days without contact with Technoblade he had been scrambling to get any information for just in god's name was he. The maps had changed thanks the to Dreamlands conquests and most people unless they were adventurers had forgotten the cord system. But after a bit of digging he had found a map that had cords on it that was big enough for him to find his home village.

Bad news. He was a far ways away.

A long, long, long ways away.

Apparently his home village had been engulfed in the Dreamlands expansion, so apparently he now was a citizen of the Dreamlands. However, despite the fact of how close he was to the Dreamland borders, he lived in the Northeastern part of the now Dreamlands. The big problem was the border he was just outside of was the Southwestern border of the Dreamlands.

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