Chapter 5: Nobody Asks Questions When You Say You're an Accountant

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Wilbur had woken in a cold sweat. Grasping his chest, he lifted his eyes to the ceiling and leaned his head against the back of the wall. He had another nightmare. The dreams were only getting worse. When he was younger, it was always dreams of abandonment. Dreams of mom, dreams of dad, dreams of Techno and Tommy suddenly disappearing, or worse, their dead bodies at his feet. He had always had those dreams since their mom had disappeared first. Then after dad disappeared... It had gotten so bad. He was able to keep it a secret from Tommy, but Technoblade always knew. But Technoblade wasn't around. It was just him, alone in this room.

Suddenly the walls didn't seem so comforting anymore. They loomed in on him, and Wilbur struggled to get out of bed. Looking out the window, he could see that it was still very late at night. The threat of being attacked by the Dream team was still high, but there had been no official declaration of war yet. Wilbur was starting to get shaky. He needed to get to the van. Maybe get himself one of those sedative potions.

Getting up, he slipped on the bare necessities of his uniform, having no energy to put the whole fit on. He buckled his shoes and shook his fingers through his hair. He didn't know where he was going. He just needed to go out.

Wilbur left his house in L'manburg, and set foot out into the cold midnight air, the sounds of the burbling creek, and the cicadas screaming in the trees. Wilbur had claimed this land. This was his new home. His home he had created away from all the bad memories, and home that he had built from scratch himself, just as his parents had. And he had created his own family too. Granted, Tommy was his brother and Tubbo was basically his brother but they had Eret as well, a good friend who Wilbur couldn't be happier sharing their new future together with. Wilbur paused at the door to go into the van, but stopped short of clicking the unlock button. He smiled sadly to himself. What would Dad say? Using drugs to numb myself?

Instead, Wilbur decided to hoist himself up on the top of the van, hoping he isn't shaking it and waking anyone inside. Wilbur was surrounded by people he loved the most, yet he felt so alone. It was a curse he couldn't leave behind. He was always scared, always so sure that one day, Tommy wouldn't come home. One day Eret would have to walk in and show them Tubbo's dead body. It was an irrational fear, but was it? Wilbur was an orphan, well, assumed orphan, and Technoblade left to go fulfill his life's purpose or something. Wilbur sighed. We were always such poets. So dramatic. He fluffed his hair with his fingers, looking to the stars. It would be a couple more months until the harvest moon, when Technoblade said that he should have gathered enough Fae energy to contact them, just like Dad used to. But... I had always thought that we would be dramatic by each other's sides. Not continents apart.

Wilbur was lost in his thoughts when he heard splashing in the creek below. Realizing he had no weapons on him, he contemplated knocking on the roof of the truck and waking up the people inside, but he sat up first to see what it was. I swear to God if it's Sapnap...

But it wasn't. Wilbur's face lifted with surprise when he saw people swimming in the river, but not... people. They weren't exactly human. Were they...? Drowned? But these didn't look like normal zombies. And plus- they had walls around their area now. He was pretty certain there would be no way for mobs to get in. So... who were they?

Wilber gracefully slid off the roof of the van and walked cautiously to the lake. When he got closer, he could hear between splashing, quiet laughter, and hushed talking. His eyes widened when he saw a group of young men and ladies lounging on the river bed, some with fish tails and others with legs, all absolutely soaking wet with skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight.

A young woman in the middle of the group, talking fast with her hands, laughed and pushed her long vibrant orange hair over her shoulder, before catching a glimpse of Wilbur standing there, dumbstruck. She smiled and waved, turning to her group who quickly followed suit. Wilbur, gathering his confidence and putting aside his somber mood, walked over to the river.

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