Chapter 18: Rivals

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George had woken up to Sapnap's voice again. At first he didn't understand what he had said, his huge yawn buzzing in his ears as he stretched out. Opening his eyes, George realized he was still pressed up against Dream's warm body. George blushed a bit, feeling a bit weird being that close to the literal King, but- but Dream was first his friend before his ruler. Dream had told him that, repeatedly. And friends didn't let friends freeze to death.

"Oh look! Sleeping beauty awakes!" Dream's voice hummed through his body, George feeling the vibrations in Dream's chest that he was pressed up against.

"Gggoooodddd mooorrnnningggg~" George shivered.

"What?" He heard Sapnap's voice from under dreams jacket. "Is he still cold?"

"I- I guess." Dream pulled open the top of the hoodie a bit, letting in blinding light from the white reflective snow of the outside as he peered down at George. George squinted his eyes, still a bit groggy. "Do you think he got hypothermia?"

George shielded his eyes. "Owww."

"Hey- You hurt him!" Sapnap accused Dream.

"No-" Dream stuttered, "No I didn't!"

"Okie- That's enough of your George privileges. It's my turn."

"No! You need to keep the magic bubble up!"


"No you CAN'T!"

"I'm hotter than you anyways!"

George groaned as he put his hands over his ears.

It was way too early in the morning for this...

"WHAT?!" Dream raised his voice, his chest vibrating comfortably, unlike the piercing headache George was developing. "We all know I'm the hottest one out of all of us."

"I was talking about BODY HEAT ya DINGUS!" Sapnap threw his palms face up, quite literally catching them on fire. "But IF we WANT TO TALK ABOUT HOT, Hoooowww ABOUT THE PERSON WHO'S ACTUALLY SEEN ALL OF THE FACES HERE?!"

"Yeah then. WHO IS IT?!"

Sapnap stopped his rage, actually looking to the side to think for a bit.


Dream stopped him. "Aye Sapnap?"


"Did the wind just pick up? Like really bad?"

George finally felt awake enough to open his eyes all the way. He was still so cold, a kind of cold that feels like it will never leave your body. But Dream was warm enough to keep him from any kind of serious pain. So, he risked opening Dream's hoodie from the neck hole, peaking out. Dream made a small sound of surprise, but opened it more so George could see.

Indeed had the snow picked up.

The snow now was starting to pound into the bubble in waves, the wind howling stronger than it ever had. A couple of snowflakes fell through the bubble, and a short gust of icy cold wind had somehow managed to reach its way inside. The visibility outside was practically zero.

"Uh- Sapnap-" George could tell Dream was worried.

"On it."

Sapnap jumped off his horse, walking in front of them and planting his feet firmly into the snow. Concentrating hard, he closed his eyes and stuck his hands out in almost a protective position, like he was physically holding the wind back. The amulet in his hand glowed, his lips moving to the words of his spell but the wind was now too loud to hear it now. The ground sizzled around Sapnap's feet as the snow started the melt around him.

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