Chapter 3: Landing Zones

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Technoblade wasn't getting worried.

At least that is what he was telling himself.

His father was now 5 days past the time he said he would be back. Abigail didn't seem to be too worried about it, her constantly reassuring them that they are fine and ushering them outside to play, but it didn't ease Techno's mind.

Wilbur seemed to be fine, at least to most people. But Techno saw it. He was good at reading other people. Reading motives, emotions. He just- He just had no way of using that information. No idea on how to comfort someone, to make a good joke, to change the mood. So he left Wilbur to that. But Wilbur wasn't doing fine. Every villager loved when the three feral kids visited their house, providing entertainment for the night. But Techno could see the forced smile, the unease in his shoulders, the funny way he sat down when he talked to the adults.

Techno couldn't take it anymore.

Seeing Will more anxious made him anxious. Was he worried dad wouldn't come home? Of course he would. He was one of the best adventurers of this generation. Techno should know, he had read books about it.

But he had also been reading dad's mood lately as well.

The past year of their mom being missing has been hard on all of them, but up to this point Dad had seemed to be holding on well. Lately- well, lately Techno thinks he's been... well, slipping.

But there are only two more days. Two more days until the full moon. That's the day that Dad's fae magic is the strongest, and he is able to contact them by performing an ancient ritual. It allows them the talk, between him and the beacon that he had built on the outskirts of their backyard. It was huge, but it had to be to pick up the signal. Two more days until he could see if dad was safe or not.

But for now, Techno was going crazy hanging around Wilbur, watching him lie through his teeth.

So instead of heading back to Abigail's house, he went back to his own house. Entering the two story building, he grabbed the matches and lights all the candles and closes the curtains. He just needed peace and quiet. That's all he wanted.

Technoblade didn't know what to do. How to pass the time. He could go back into the garden, but he really didn't want anybody to talk to him right now. So he sat on the hard living room floor, and laid his back on the blanket that he dragged off of the couch. And he stared at the ceiling.

Mom's disappearance anniversary is this weekend.

The thought made him sad. But he didn't know what to do. Was he supposed to feel sad? His mom wasn't for sure dead after all. Was he being ungrateful that they had a dad who risked so much to bring their family back together? But all he wanted was his dad back home.

Without thinking, he blew out all the candles and walked up the creaky stairs to the upstairs bedroom. He dragged his feet into his parents room, and stood at the doorway. He stood and looked at the bed where they used to sleep, the counter where Mom had used to put her paints, and the cabinet that used to be filled with all of dad's old adventuring gear. Now the paints were tucked away, and the gear was being put to use. In a daze, Techno walked over to the cabinet with the gear, and shifted through some of the leftover supplies. There was leather armor that was way too big for him, cross bolts, extra arrows, potions, and a ton of stuff that he would get in trouble for looking through. But one thing caught his eye. A steel sword.

Techno grabbed the hilt of the sword, the leather coating on the handle and a nice and almost comforting feeling. Standing up, he gripped both hands tightly and gave it a tentative swing. It felt good. Techno smiled to himself, knowing he was doing something wrong. Something he would get in trouble for. But he didn't care. He liked the feeling of doing something dangerous. He gave it a harder swing, this time his breath catching as he accidentally scraped the door to the cabinet and leaving a tiny little cut in it.

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