Chapter 40: Mellohi

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It was time to take action.

Standing up and stretching, Technoblade took one final look at the camp he had cleaned up, one final look at the life he had been living for the last week or so, and felt no emotion as he picked up his camp bag one last time as he slipped his tome inside, the heavy book taking a lot of space. Pulling his hair back into a ponytail, he slipped on his boar skull mask, and shook the dirt off his cape.

Today was the day.

He hadn't had this much excitement in a long while.

Last night, his two jockeys that had been trailing him disappeared, instead running into the fog that had descended upon Manburg out of nowhere and not returning.

He had finished gathering supplies, having gathered enough armor for all the people he expected to fight alongside him and Wilbur.

He had finally made contact with Eret, and after much persuasion the King of his little nation had nodded and accepted his proposal, agreeing to meet outside of Pogtopia about mid-day.

And.... the best news of all.



He was coming.

He was coming home.

Techno smiled, something he didn't do often, enjoying the feeling of just pure energy and liveliness, the prospect of war on the horizon enough to make his heart beat faster in excited anticipation.

The voices were sure excited. 


Oh, today was going to be a good day.

It wasn't a long walk to Pogtopia, about an hour, and Techno made it with no worries. No men trailing him, all of Dream's forces were now in Manburg, and no traps were littered across the forest floor. Thank god they hadn't replaced them, it was getting annoying having to disable them whenever Techno came across one. It would be easy to just avoid it, but the thought of Wilbur, Tubbo, or even (although he would never admit it) Tommy getting their leg chopped off in a bear claw trap was enough to make him stop and take the extra time to make sure it was properly taken care of.

Speaking of Tommy... he would need to smooth things over with him. Techno didn't want to, he definitely felt Tommy's rage was un-thought out and very brash, but he did need to fight by Tommy's side today. And you can't fight well without trusting the person who is supposed to have your back. So he would have to suck it up and... uggggghhhhhhh..... Maybe apologize. But only for that day. Only for the fight. He didn't have to mean it, he just had to get Tommy comfortable enough to fight by his side.

Finally. It was getting boring. Go talk to other people. We're bored. Technofam. TechnoBROTHER

Pogtopia came into view, and Techno felt the cooling early fall wind on his back. It was weird... a whole season had passed. Summer was when this all happened, the festival taking place in the dead center of the hot months. It's funny how fast time went by. Like when he was adventuring. He had left when he was 18, and those years went by so fast. He hoped it had been the same for everybody he left behind. Fast. But he had never asked.

It was second nature, finding the secret door and opening it up. The door swung open, morning light spilling inside as he entered the first cramped room with low ceilings, his cape brushing against the dusty floor. Niki, who was previously sitting on her cot, stood up quickly.

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