Chapter 29: Escape II

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Something in the air had changed.

Philza could feel it.

He had been meditating, and he was proud to say he was getting impressively good with his magic. It's the only thing he had been doing. Grinding constantly. Because if he slowed down any, he started to feel himself slip. He couldn't allow that to happen. The loneliness was starting to get to him, desperation sneaked up on him more than he would like to admit. But for the endless hours he threw himself into practicing magic, he could ignore it. He needed to ignore it. He couldn't afford to lose the fight now.

He was going to win. 

If he wasn't constantly practicing, he was constantly researching. 

His books were becoming filled, the pages close to running out. He kept data on the old ancient cities he found, on the endermen, on the concept of the void itself, anything to keep moving. The last thing he had been doing was completing his pages on the dragon. He had taken the liberty of naming her species, seeing on how nobody else in the entire overworld would ever have a chance like he did. Philza didn't know if their was a difference between normal dragons and Rutha, but he had read many different fables that he could barely remember now and if he was thinking correctly, not all dragons looked how she did, so he felt safe enough to assume that since dragons were actually real, there could be multiple different species that needed classifying. After much thinking, he had decided that the perfect name would be an enderdragon, based off of her diet and the entire workings of the place they were stuck it.

The void.

Or as Philza was starting to see it, the End.

If he got back home, that's what he thinks he'll name it.


Not if.


When he got back home.  

God, it'll be such a hard thing to explain. 

First he would have to go home. To his kids. But then after...

He would find the Major archives and report his findings. 

The Major archives were the one scientific group that Philza trusted. All others were run by nations. By kingdoms. And god forbid Philza be the person who turns in a piece of information that gives one kingdom power over another on accident. He stayed away from kingdoms ever since... Well, it was a long story. He didn't like talking about it. He had a good reason for not trusting governments. However, the Major archives were run by a singular person that he had met on several different professional occasions with no alliance to any territory. The dude was literally just a collector. But he wasn't your typical rich man looking to show things off at his mansion. No, this man was the owner of a private organization that paid researchers and employees to maintain an archive that people with permission could go and visit, sort of like a library. Some thought he was a fraud, a hoarder, the museum wasn't open to everybody. But on his behalf, he had a good reason. Things in the archives could be worth a ton of gold and not to mention could be extremely dangerous. For the purpose of keeping away looters, the base was top secret, if you wanted to visit you had to send in an application, it would need to be approved, then they would find you, consensually knock you out and drag you to the base, where you would be watched the entire time, then when you wanted to leave it would be the same. It was a fever dream and a half. Philza had done it multiple times, and he had to admit the experience was a bit trippy but the archive was worth it. It was absolutely breathtaking. Philza could get lost for days there, and that was only the stuff he was allowed to see. There were also several layers of security and restricted areas that Philza could only image what those halls held inside of them. But, back on topic, the man who ran this all was a good guy; he wasn't doing it for gain. He paid all of his employees generously, and he also paid any adventurer that brought him things fair compensation. And how did he pay for this? The Major corporation also ran the every five year arena tournaments that dictated the rankings lists. The MCC. Major Corporation Championship. Philza had participated in the last two, and his last one he had won first place for adventurer rank. It was hard, dangerous, and deadly, and Philza had come close to death in the competition. But he won in such a way that the entire overworld was talking about it years after. His winning was something spectacular, something the event so exciting that it became the only thing really watched that year despite the qualified other categories that others ran in. He became a legend. Philza didn't really care about the fame, that was just what he viewed as a side effect of completing a life goal. But the experience had been surreal either way. After he won he had met the man who ran it all, Scott Major, and had a conversation that convinced Philza that he was a good guy. So, after that, Philza had decided that if he found anything ground breaking, anything that the entire world needed to know about, he would take it to the Major archives. That was the only place he was sure the information would be safe. 

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