Chapter 13: The End

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The void.

He was falling.

He couldn't feel his body.

He didn't exist.

He didn't-

Philza grunted in pain as hit to ground. He groaned, clenching his eyes closed and putting his forehead flat against the ground.

Well. He was no longer falling.

And he definitely felt like he existed. 

Where was he-?


Philza flinched as his dropped sword landed right to the left of him, followed by the sound of things in his bag shattering directly to the right of him.


He couldn't think. He just couldn't. All the exhaustion and the fading effects of the potion had left him completely useless.

So he just laid there.

At least he wasn't dead.

Time passed.

Philza had managed to turn around on his back to try to reach his bag.

But he was frozen when he finally looked up.

It was-

It was just black.

The sky was just black.

It was nothing, like the inky void Philza had jumped into.

He couldn't wrap his head around it.

He couldn't.

There was just- nothing.

Philza could think about that another time.

Instead he focused on his survival.

Like how freaking bad his body ached.

According to Wehylin, he was out three days before any of this had even happened.

And boy was he hungry.

Philza's stomach growled loudly, a sound that broke the constant humming of wherever he was.

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