Chapter 43: Temple of Life

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Leading the group of Pogtopians through the forest, the sun threatening to start it's descent at any moment, Techno was stepping more and more into his role.

Which was complicated.

In this war, up to this point, he had played the supporter. Choosing to leave Pogtopia, following his twin's lead, supporting from the sidelines, that was the game he had been playing. 

And that's the role he should be playing as brother.

As their brother, he should be here to help them. He should be here to support his family, help them fight their war, and at the end of the day it shouldn't have been for his own gain. It was for them. To make sure that they were safe, to make sure they didn't die, to make sure that they won the battle of blood.

He strode through the forest, his hair pulled back in a braid and his cape swooshing behind him as he expertly terressed the ground, having walked it multitudes of times. He had walked all around the forests outside of Manburg, and knew it like the back of his hand. Because of the manhunters on him, he hadn't been able to walk one path, so he had to just memorize the lay of the land. It was probably for the best now, as they came on that late summer's day that was blending into fall, Techno was more than confident leading them to the place where he had been keeping this support in physical materials. In jewels, in gold, in potions and armor and things that might save their lives. All that he had done while on his own. And he couldn't wait to share it with them.

But walking closer and closer to the bunker, the waterfall now in sight and the crashing water in all the group's hearing range, Techno started to step into the different role that he had been forged to fill.

Forged in blood.

He could smell death on the horizon, and it was like a pump of fresh air in his lungs. Every breath felt crisp and sharp, like each one was fulling his body to maximum capacity. He could practically feel the blood rushing in his ears, the growing vibrant energy in his reading muscles, his body preparing for adrenaline. His steps were fast and hard, him unconsciously forcing the rest of the group to awkwardly run-jog to keep up with him. He wasn't even fight yet, but he could hear his breaths crystal clear.

This is what he had been molded to do.

To fight the war.

To spill the blood.

Manburg vr. Pogtopia.

For his brothers, it was a war about nations. 

For Techno, it was a war against governments. Against the presidency. And against his counterpart who decided to side with Manburg.

For Techno, it would be rival vr. rival. 

It was funny, how out of every possible person he would be seeing in the battle, the one person other than Wilbur who knew the most of his secrets would be on the other side of the battle zone, commanding his own regiments of troops.


Techno didn't open up to people. He talked the most to Wilbur, or now Philza he guessed, but he hadn't even told them what it was like. To be tethered to the ice fortress, to be forced to follow the training that the spirit expected him to do, so that he would be the perfect vessel to inhabit once his mind crumbled. To have to fight like a wild animal to escape the ice prison, only to have his head split upon his exit, to let the insanity he thought he was avoiding flood in like his mind was free real estate. No, Techno didn't open up about that.

At least, not by choice.


Ever since Dream had opened up to George, ever since he had let the man see his face, Sapnap had noticed a change in George's behavior.

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