Chapter 27: Promise

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Quackity thought that maybe things were going back to the way they used to be.

Things were so amazing back then. At the beginning. He had been wildly intoxicated with the thought of something new and exciting, of being on top of the world in a new position of power that he had always so passionatly strived for, but also becoming newly married to a man that felt the same way as him. And in the beginning, he had loved it. Sure, Schlatt had always been the more dominant one out of the two in the relationship, and sure, Quackity couldn't ignore that Schlatt had some manipulative tendencies, Quackity wasn't an idiot, and sure, he did have a bit of an alcohol problem, but in the beginning it had been easy to gloss over it.

In the beginning, Quackity had felt like he was an equal. That he had a say in things. That he could speak freely in front of Schlatt without getting possibly murdered.

Then the festival happened.

The festival had been when everything had taken a turn.

He didn't want to hurt Tubbo. He was just a kid.

Schlatt had ignored his pleas.

Schlatt didn't include him in the decision.

And things had only gotten worse after that. Quackity had felt it slowly building up. Names and playful teasing had started to take on a sharper meaning. Now instead of being called a dumbass because of something funny he had said, he was viciously called stupid and a plethora of other things, driving his esteem into the ground. And Schlatt had gotten more handsy. Sometimes when Quackity told him no it took more convincing than it should. It was like he wasn't his own person anymore.

He was just his bitch.

Quackity had been trying to convince himself that it was just the stress. That if Quackity could work hard enough to fix these problems, things could go back to the way they were before. Because Quackity was somebody who tried to fix problems, even at the expense of himself.

First it was for his mother. He worked so hard for her, working several different jobs and playing music for tips on the side so that he could help her keep a roof on their heads. To be able to give her presents when holidays came, to give back to her just like she had sacrificed for him when he was little, her skipping out on her needs to make sure Quackity could have enough books and supplies to go to school during the time that most other kids were out working on the farms or some other hard labor job making the bare minimum of wages. 

Then, it was his community. Everybody saw the opportunity for him to go someplace, do something with his life other than just being wasted talent working hard labor jobs in the slums. Everybody wanted him to succeed, they were all rooting for him. And he worked so hard to make sure they wouldn't be disappointed.

Then, he worked for the academy. He studied law, and he studied hard. He took more classes than anybody he knew, studied late into the night, the only breaks he took were to go play piano at the bars to earn a few extra dollars to buy breakfast or dinner every once in a while because the academy only provided lunch.

Then, he worked for justice. He was still a student, but as he dug deeper and deeper into past law cases and the fine print of all the decrees the Emperor had passed, Quackity started to see the history of hypocrisy and corruption. Then he started digging. He got so lost in his studies, failing his required math course and living solely off of the provided lunch for weeks because he didn't have time to earn any money. He was consumed. And the more he looked, the worse it fucking got. Law after law after law of discrimination, classism, and preference to pure magical blood was sitting right in the archives for anybody to find. The laws were against people like Quackity. Laws that made their voices practically unheard in any decision. The Emperor of Mexico was always presented almost god like. Like he was holy, perfect, above every one else. And yet, looking at the decisions he made he knew that his people were being silenced. The people who were being silenced, they had a derogatory term for un-pure blood mixes like him. Hybrids. Through Quackity's hands passed case after case after case that clearly showed systemized discrimination and poverty. Even though the Emperor claimed to be perfect and just. But really it was all fucking propaganda. Ways the rich were cheating to stay rich. Ways this fucked up world was being run by the supposed "righteous" man and his court of clowns.

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