Chapter 14: Logs

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LOG 36

*Note- Logs are not counting days, but occurrences. There is no time in the void. The only thing giving any regularity was meals and when I am hungry.

Today I finally managed to construct a home so I don't have to worry about getting shanked all the time. Hurray.

Also, my rations are quickly running out. I need to start trying to find different food supplies. Might go exploring tomorrow, legs feeling a bit better.

LOG 37

The dragon did NOT like it when I got close to the pillars. I was quickly overtook by it, and only just managed to fly away before getting almost hit by what seemed purple projectile magic. Will not be exploring that area until feeling better.

LOG 42

It's official. You cannot eat endermen.

I tried burning them, cooking them, boiling them, raw, but every time I got close to putting it in my mouth I just puked instead. Not fun. Going to need to find food soon.

LOG 45

Yay! I'm not going to starve to death!

I have discovered a naturally occurring plant in the void, and wow, it's edible!


It's very juicy as well, most of it is practically water.

Which helps with my water problem too.

Only there has to be a catch.

If you eat it too fast, you teleport like an endermen.

Don't ask. It wasn't a fun experience.

LOG 50

I've been pondering things lately.

Like the existence of this place?

What exactly is it?

Where exactly is it?

Nobody was going to answer any of my questions. But I can't stop thinking about it.

It's like the nether.

Is it another leakage point of another world?

Does that mean, maybe, the overworld isn't... like... the main world?

What if- what if there was a world with no magic?

That would be stupid, wouldn't it?

LOG 52

Been doing more thinking.

How long have I been down here?

Time doesn't feel real here.

Definitely doesn't when you have endermen screaming in your ear all the time.

I'm thissssss close to slaughtering them all.

But I'm not feeling 100% yet, so maybe I'll wait a bit.

LOG 70

God, did I miss my family.

I really just wanted to get home.

I wonder how they are doing?

I wonder how long I've been gone.

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