Blood moon

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The sky had turned black and they where plunged into darkness Joan's face with that eerie smile being the last thing they saw just before screams began to break out. Suddenly touches lit the dark sky's and the fire controllers also sent balls of fire into the sky to brighten up the places around them, the Barriers king Bertram had set round the towers glowed with life as if someone gave them strength.

" Those old geezers actually made it in time guess we don't have to to worry let's move forward" corvan spoke and as they turned around the sight that greeted them was horrible, demonic energy surrounded the demons causing them to scream in pain as it invaded there bodies some disintegrating into dust on the spot their bodies unable to bare that much demonic energy. they where all erratic clawing at themselves and hurting the knights around them in the process and with there sudden boost in strength a single touch could be fatal .

"Quick to the fortresses get out of the fields!" Puppet shouted as he used some puppets to hold down some demons some knights following him to do the same as they retreated .

" We have to go" king Bertram spoke and they began moving forward but it was proving difficult as demons slammed into them from everywhere the demonic energy was eating away at the barrier making it harder to see where they where going, they were moving forward at a painfully slow pace than they would have liked the king was quickly getting worn out from the continuous expending of his powers it was a savings grace that Joan and the demon Lord still seemed to be fighting for control as she remained frozen in the sky with that smile plastered to her face unconcerned about what was happening around her.

In Joan's mind she was in her mind space the door ajar but what laid outside wasn't a field of grass but and endless dark void and a force was pushing her out she knew it was the demon Lord she knew she couldn't keep fighting him for long as she saw herself getting pushed closer to the door so she focused all her mind on staying still and as if listening to her will, chains shot out of the ground anchoring her legs in place after this she tried to reach her body but found out she couldn't reach it and dread began to fill her heart just a few seconds ago she was sure she could still feel her body but now nothing, anchoring her self made sure she hadn't been pushed out completely from her body but with the blood moon and the soul crystal his soul was stronger and had more control of the body.
" Why struggle so vehemently?, Offer yourself willing and you and your loved ones shall prosper in the new world as the blood prevails"  the voice  of the demon king sounded in her ear as static send shock waves down her spine .

" Never!" She forced out " valemia will never fall to your hands even if  i fail i am confident there are others to stop you!" She shouted in fustration constantly being pressured by the force was quite tasking

"Hehehe" the demon lord laughing coldly" Watch as I destroy everything you ever loved, we'll see what happens to your confidence then"  his voice sounded In her ear and suddenly her eyes could see and she wanted to scream out but she couldn't.

Valeriana and her party of three had just made it to the mountain base when ouranos vibrated in her hands and beamed with a bright glow but it was dread that filled there hearts and incoming sense of danger . They turned there heads to Joan's direction just in time to see her throw a spear made out of demonic energy in there direction

" I don't think my shield can hold against that" king bertam spoke his face going pale in fear

" Put your shield down" Val told him as something familiar flowed from her into ouranos.

" Are you sure" he questioned looking at her unsure

" Do it now!" She screamed and he did then everything slowed down everyone watched as a dragon sized spear of demonic energy was hurtling towards there king and there only hope in ending the demons and there heart dropped but right before it could hit them valeriana suddenly thrusted up the sword in her hands and a streak of pure energy shot out disintegrating the spear in it's part they look at the demon Lord and he just stayed frozen like it wasn't the one that just shot such a dangerous attack

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