Dead eyes

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Joan laid back on a tree munching on an apple staring at nothing in particular it's being over a month since she had her breakthrough and she was waiting for them to come let her out, the times she spent had helped her body recover thou her skin remained pale and her eyes never regained there shine looking dull while her hair and skin glowed in contrast giving those who gazed at her a distinct feeling of life and death that she was dead but somehow holding on to this world as if by some miracle but there was a slight bonce to her step as she dropped down to the ground this new energy seeming to be compatible with her body supplying her with boundless energy but she wasn't out of the woods yet that thing the demons had given her remained unchanged inside her body she had tried everything but it wouldn't budge it was the only reason she felt unsure of her stance in this war but she couldn't worry about things she had no control over could she . She itched to get back, her days here were filled with boredom several times she rode with Aviel creating more lands mountains and rivers to fill this place till she had created a new world she would never forget this place and she would one day bring her people here to this world that responded to her will she looked at all the creatures she had made as they gathered around her they made this lonely place so much less maddening she laughed as she ran across the fields them in toe some behind her faster once racing ahead such a lovely scene the dullness of her eyes could not reflect a peculiar scene indeed.


Charles paced back and forth in the empty room waiting for the others to arrive, he had a busy day making preparations to ensure everything was ready for Joan's return , every fiber of his body was anxious to see her he was a little scared she would be worse but he needed to see her they could figure out the rest later. He heard hurried foot steps coming closer to the door they had agreed to meet at sunset so not to attract a lot of attention when she returns.

" Ah! Lord Charles your already here, anxious are we?" Lord aeron teased as he stepped in with the gate keeper

" As expected but I don't think Lord Charles appreciates your teasing court leader" king bertam spoke as he entered earning a greeting from Charles followed by corvan and valeriana along with Elaine the two ladies and the king where there to ensure they could control the situation if anything was out of there calculations as they weren't sure of what to expect when the portal was opened.

" Since everyone is here let's begin , gate keeper?" Charles prompted and he nodded getting to work .

The portal appeared in a flash of white light kind of like a tear on the wall and with the spreading of the gate keeper's hands it began to expand giving them a view to what laid on the other side, they were immediately hit by a gust of sweet fresh air the empty barren world they once saw now filled with trees and birds and fields of grass

" Go along, step in " the gate keeper urged and they walked into the now stable world valeriana could not explain it but the energy in this place felt familiar but with a touch of something new , it danced around her senses seeming more vibrant an chaotic yet with a definition to it the air was fresh and pleasant and the breeze cool to the touch the animals where all that could be found in valemia And some perculiar looking things as they marveled at there surroundings And as the animals flocked round them In curiosity the felt a gust of wind rushing towards them long with two familiar figures.

Aviel came into sight Joan on her back she looked ethereal from the way her hair blew in the wind obviously longer her skin looked paler than normal but with a glow to it her lips curved up into a little smile

" Wow, is it just me or is she more beautiful that didn't happen to me when I got trapped in another world" Val muttered

" You do look better but your right yours cannot compare valeriana" king bertam spoke in a daze soon after Aviel neared them and before she could land Joan jumped off her back causing her hair and clothes to flutter the smile on her lips somewhat contagious causing them to smile along to the scene Joanna wasn't aware yet that her new energy draw others admiration towards her and it was soothing causing others to let there guard down without realizing and the energy it brought gave her a youthful air

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