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Chaos complete and utter chaos, that's exactly how Joan felt right at this moment trapped in her own mind consumed by chaos, she was swimming in it drowning in it holding onto the little bit of sanity she had left, she could feel the barrier around the training ground weakening swiftly because of the amount of demonic energy she was releasing, focusing with all her might she fortified the barrier to it original state,and as soon as she was done  a scream made it's way through her mouth her whole body shaking at the sudden pain that shot through her, her body punishing her for reaching for the light .

When the last of the chicovas died being so close to the Guardian meant to be the very essence of  harmony and balance in the world, and as soon as they lost that control as the last of them died the chaos started with her spiking the hold of the demonic energy on her to unbelievable heights, the only reason Joan still had a fighting chance was because of the. the gift they gave.

Joan staggered through the house halls barely able to keep herself up right fighting to remain sane draining every bit of energy she had and the more she used her power to fortifier the barrier the faster she gets drained like her body is rejecting her good side . She continued  now crawling on the floor her clothes torn and haggard as she continued to drag herself toward her bedroom,  the soothing herbs would help to at least clear her head, it had to work.

Standing outside the barrier of the training ground made especially for Joan , the imperial knights, Elaine, lord Aeron and lord Leiland stood in shock at the amount of demonic energy within, non attempting to go in for fear of not being able to withstand that much energy.

"unbelievable " lord Leiland muttered under his breath as he fortifier the barrier yet again as he also noticed from time to time Joan would also reach out to it.

"never in my life have I seen her so unstable" he continued "are you sure she did receive the blessing? " he inquired not looking away from the barrier.

"of course we're sure, we where there immediately they gave her the blessing and the last of the chicovas died we all suddenly got knocked out and when we came to  she was no we're to be found !" sai exclaimed in frustration  this was not the first time the arch Duke had asked this question since they where camped just outside of the barrier in hopes of reaching their commander.

The arch Duke nodded once again as if musing over the information stroking his chin which pretty much irked every one around but they remained quiet,  he then sighed and looked over at the court master who was mirroring his pose stroking his chin and starring at the barrier albeit a bit more seriously,  it was no secret that the court master had known Joan since she was a kid and cared for her dearly like she were his own child. " could it be? " he questioned and the court master nodded solemnly which caught the others attention.

"could it be what? "

"what? "

"what do you know? "

"what are you not telling us? " the others questioned but the two men kept talking like the others weren't even their.

"if it is so  ,this is bad, pretty  bad" the  arch Duke continue a d look on his face as he shook his head slightly.

"she'll make  it" lord Areon said firmly  ,but  the quite in his voice showed a hint of doubt before he added " she has to,  it is her duty ,and she always performs her duty" he told his  friends  with a small smile and he nodded back.

" that she does  ,that she does now how do you suppose we help her" he mused and Elaine stepped forward .

" I can help" she spoke and the raised a brow at her  as if to ask how" I will  tell you after you tell us what is wrong with Joan" she said firmly and they nodded.

Celeste Academy one shot Where stories live. Discover now