Secrets (3)

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After they both nodded Joan stood up and started to the door.

"I want to come too"Charles interrupted Joan stood their contemplating she didn't want any interruption

" let Charles come with you " Rowe said" if he doesn't go I will "

" and if he doesn't I will "corvan added

" and if he doesn't I will "Tamara said with a grin as if just realizing what was going on.

" fine, Charles comes, but nobody go's in with me "she said with a sigh not even glancing at any of them

" then it's settled, shall we go" Lord aeron told them, starting towards the door leaving them to follow

They step through the portal into the prisons and at the sight of the crowd the guards on duty visibly straightened , the sight of a court leader, a general, and a Knight such as lady seraphina clearly coming as a shock to them.

"Lord areon , General joan, lady seraphina it's...... I mean....... What.. How "the head guard struggle to put words together" Lord Charles " he gasped as if just seeing the young Lord they only gave him a court nod with lady seraphina telling him she'll take care of everything.

They all stayed at the door why Joan walked into the room.

Joan walked into the room to see a girl not much older than her chained to the walls she looked as if she'd been crying "I didn't want to do it" she kept repeating to herself

"then why did you do it" Joan said getting her attention as she took a sit. The head of the girl snapped to Joan and suddenly her energy changed Joan could feel it it was that of a demon, the girl smiled wildly at her

" Ah!, milady how you've grown what shall we help you with today "the girl said in a sing-song voice, we?, Joan thought using her powers she could distinguish two energy's coming from the girl

" chavi" Joan called trying to reach the other girl

"she won't tell you anything! "the voice screeched" only I have the answers to what you seek"

"And what is that? "Joan asked if this demon was playing with her she would have to talk to the girl herself

" I see!, I see it!, the energy flowing within you and you feel it too don't you?, something fighting for control, only I can tell you what you which to know "the voice said it knew what she wanted to know and it even scratched the surface but didn't reveal anything because just like the demons in the forest it wanted something in return for the answers, and Joan new the rest where listening from outside and too say the truth she did not want them to hear what the demon will say, what if it was what she had in mind, things could get complicated, so using her power she reduced the demon energy giving the girl room to speak.

"Chavi? " Joan asked

" y-yes? "the girl stuttered

" please, tell me, how did you get like this? "Joan asked the girl looked at her curiously before speaking" How did you do that? "

" it's a gift "Joan answered" now my question "

" yes, um, when demons give birth the baby's a born pure so they learnt how to corrupt the child from birth, but mine turned out wrong cause all it did was for another mind inside of me " Chavi told her

" I see"

"I know you " Chavi said, now even the others outside where interested
" i-i used to sneak into the castle at night to watch you, I over head of another experiment that failed and wanted to see for myself how yours turned out, nothing showed not even a second person in your head but strange things would happen when you would get upset soon you stop feeling anything I could see it in your face, I saw the people who trained you soon even we where undergoing training of our own it became had to come watch you, but I swear sometimes I could feel your aura reaching out for me " the girl said with a small smile

" I remember " was all Joan said, she remembered the nights she'd feel somebody's presence watching but the night she bordered to go out because the energy felt different it was tod struggling to pull himself on her balcony that's when there friendship started.

Walking towards the door that voice sang once more.

"the mirror never lies no it never tells a lie, what you are is what you see, that's why milady has never had a mirror left open in her room" the voice sang in a low tune letting out a chilling laugh at the end"you can't hide who you are"

"you better teach that demon who is really in charge of that body, she's right you can't hide who you are but you can control your actions and what you do regardless of that" with those final words Joan walked out of the room after telling the others she was living Joan walked through the portal to her safe haven but as she stepped in she was not alone

"ah!, milady I was just looking for you "

Charles , Lord aeron,Lord leiland, lady seraphina, corvan, Rowe and Tamara, and even head master kylon and Lord Gavin had joined them all gathered in a room

" if the matter is really of much consequence, I trust my sister would do well to inform us" Gavin spoke " i do not believe if she knew anything serious she would keep it to herself, tho it is through the mirrors in her room are usually locked and she only opens them when she needs it" tho him and his sister where never very close she had always helped him when needed and even she knew about his little village of thieves, as she had investigated it herself well to say the least after explaining it to her, she gave him a small smile and a very detailed map of the roots one could take and not be easily spotted but she never said a word, he was very grateful so he would help in whatever way he could.

"I asked her once why she never left her mirrors open, all she said was she didn't want to see what she looked like all the time "Tamara muttered" but after that memory incidence she never really had a problem leaving her mirrors open "

" yes but now there all closed again "corvan said

" Joan never really liked looking at her reflection, even in the stream, she always had the expression like she saw something strange" Charles said

"a lot of secrets those lips keep, I think she doesn't talk much because she fears she might just let all lip " Rowe said with a small smile

" so what we just wait for her to come talk to us? "Tamara asked

" even you should know by now Tamara it's useless to ask Joan for answers she's not willing to give "Lord leiland told her

" that is true " said the lady Knight

" yes!, phina! My dear how would like to have some tea with you father "the Lord said beaming enthusiastically at his daughter who did not share his enthusiasm

" I have work to do, if am free and your still here maybe we could have tea "she answered dryly" come kylon what where you saying I should help you with again

"oh, me um you could handle the level six class if you're not too occupied "the headmaster thought he had done the right thing giving her the excuse she needed but the glare sent his way convinced him otherwise he sent a quick prayer to the gods to help him

" of course I would love to help "the lady Knight grinned out stomping out living Lord aeron and her father to there own amusement.

Sorry for not posting for a while, my phone went bad.

Hope you guys like this chapter

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